
Friday, December 31, 2010

Well Here She Is!

We are so thankful for this new little life among us. We are thankful for her life and liberty and for ours.

Thomas Jefferson-Remarkable Man

The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time.
Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Baby Girl! 6:58am, 6lb 14.4oz



Thank you for your prayers. The baby came just before 7am today, December 30. Mom and baby are doing well. She is gorgeous. The kids came over for a look around 11am with Grandpa and Grandma.


Odd kind of labor. Very irregular contractions made is seem like we had longer to wait but then things moved quickly. Short push…maybe 8 minutes only…and then viola!


Adrienne is still over there and is staying the night. She may stay on one more day too depending on how rested up she feels.


Thank you for all your warm comments and prayers. We welcome them and are lifted up by them.


We really appreciate them and you guys.


I didn’t mention a name yet because although we are 98% sure we have not had 20 minutes to really talk in peace since delivery. We’ll settle it tomorrow.


I lean toward “Liberty America Robberson” and Adrienne is thinking “World-be-Free Moon-Unit Robberson.” We’ll probably arrive at something in the middle like “America FreeMoon Lib Robberson.”  J We’ll see…


Keep you posted…




Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café


It's Time!

The American Café,


It’s time for the baby! It’s 1am and we’re off to the hospital now. It is Wednesday night/Thursday morning.


We’ll post you later.




Pete and Adrienne Robberson

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

President George Washington

“(T)he foundation of our national policy will be laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality ... the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained. ... ”

—President George Washington

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The American Cafe: Massive Fire in Israel: 40 dead, 12,000 evacuated

The American Café,

I received this from Sandra a short while ago. I do not follow Joel Rosenberg but it seems I should.

Please pray for our friends in Israel. You can read this report and get up to speed on the tragedy they are in right now.


Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café



Hi Pete and Adrienne,

Here is a prayer request for Israel. Thanks for continuing to host and educate us. Blessings, Sandra

From: Joel Rosenberg []
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 5:47 PM
Subject: massive fire in Israel: 40 dead, 12,000 evacuated

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By Joel C. Rosenberg

(Washington, D.C., December 2, 2010) -- As the Jewish holiday of Hanukah has begun this week, a serious national crisis is unfolding in northern Israel. "More than 12,000 northern Israel residens were being evacuated from their homes as a massive fire that claimed the lives of at least 40 people continued to rage Thursday night," reports Ynet News.

"Rescue forces have yet to contain the fire, which in addition to the northern town of Tirat Carmel also threatens the communities of Nir Etzion, Ein Hod, and Beit Oren, all evacuated by now. Meanwhile, the IDF is gearing up to evacuate its transport base in Tirat Carmel. The evacuation of Damon Prison ended in tragedy, after 40 cadets in a Prison Service officers course were burned to death in a flaming bus sent to help in the prison's evacuation. Apart from the 40 victims, several firemen and three police officers who drove a police car behind the bus were also injured."

Prime Minister Netanyahu is calling the massive fires a "disaster on an international scale." He added that, "We do not have what it takes to put out the fire, but help is on the way. As a result of calls I have made, there are currently ten aircraft on their way to Israel from Greece, France and Cyprus."

The Joshua Fund is alerting Christians all over the world to the gravity of the situation, and we are asking people to pray:

*For the fires to be contained and put out quickly
*For the Israelis who have been evacuated from their homes to be comforted and to have adequate housing and all the supplies they need
*For no further evacuations to be necessary
*For other countries to provide Israel needed assistance in firefighting
*For believers in Israel to be able to love their neighbors in real and practical ways during this crisis
*For The Joshua Fund to be able to assist in real and practical ways, as needed - we've been in touch in the past few hours with a number of our key allies in northern Israel to assess their needs, and we'll let you know more as we learn more.

Thanks so much for praying for the people of Israel at this critical time.

Also: New Stories Posted On The Blog:

1. Will Iran's parliament impeach Ahmadinejad over his contacts with the Twelfth Imam?

2. ARE COVERT ACTIONS IN IRAN WORKING?: Unconfirmed report says Israel may push off strike decision to summer 2011

3. REPORT FROM BRUSSELS: ROSENBERG WARNS OF "NEW HITLER RISING" IN IRAN AT CONFERENCE IN THE E.U. PARLIAMENT BUILDING: Challenges E.U. leaders to defend Israel and the Jewish people today as they did not in the 1930s and 1940s

[For the latest details on the raging fires, please go to our weblog --]

Help The Joshua Fund teach Christians around the world about God's love and plan Israel and her neighbors, and help us distribute food, clothing, medical supplies and other humanitarian relief to Jews and Arabs in severe need.

Joel's website/weblog --

Order your copy of Joel's new novel, "The Twelfth Imam."

To go to Joel's weblog, please click here

Looking for 50 visionary pastors to lead tours to Israel and the Epicenter Conference in May 2011