
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Action Alert: Tell the Senate to Repeal Obamacare

The American Café,


If you were one of the millions of Americans that fought so hard to prevent ObamaCare from passing NOW is the Second Chance we have to prevent it.


Yesterday a second Federal judge ruled it Unconstitutional. Actually calling it VOID.


The Senate will vote to Repeal ObamaCare any time now but they are short a couple votes. Pressure Bennet and Udall from Colorado and any Democrat Senator you may have in your state. We need just 4 to come over. Obama said he will VETO the bill if it gets to his desk however we can cross that hurdle when we get to it. ObamaCare being repealed in both the House and the Senate will further isolate Obama as the radical he is and deliver him a devastating blow on his “signature issue”.


We need you. Flood the phones to your Democrat Senator. Fill his Inbox and bog down his Fax. Do it in each one of his offices here in the state and in his Washington office as well for greater, multiplied impact.


The fight is not over but we must re-engage to beat this!




Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café-Prayer and Action homegroups




From: Russ Vought, Heritage Action []
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 9:43 AM
To: Peter Robberson
Subject: Action Alert: Tell the Senate to Repeal Obamacare


Heritage Action for America

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Take the next step towards repeal

Tell Your Senators to Repeal Obamacare



Yesterday, a federal court dealt yet another severe blow to Obamacare, declaring the entire law unconstitutional. This decision and the House of Representatives’ bipartisan vote for repeal gives us clear momentum.

All eyes are again on the Senate. Senator Jim DeMint’s bill to repeal Obamacare now has all 47 Republicans as co-sponsors, but unfortunately no Democrats. Nonetheless, a repeal vote could happen soon - putting every Senator on record. It is important that these Senators hear directly from you on the importance of this vote.

>> Email your Senators today and urge them to support a full repeal of Obamacare.

If your Senators have co-sponsored the DeMint repeal bill, thank them for their stance and urge that they press for an immediate floor vote.

Thanks, in advance, for your efforts.


Russ Vought
Political Director
Heritage Action for America


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