
Monday, January 10, 2011

Our Hearts Go Out to Arizona Families

To normal people it goes without saying but for the few who are always trying to get an advantage over Conservatives and Activists:

We are stricken with shock and sadness over the shooting in Arizona on Saturday of the Congresswoman and 14 others. We feel no need to disassociate ourselves with someone never part of the Liberty Movement to begin with. Therefore we don't apologize for our engagement in calling our Citizens (Christians in particular) back to our Founders' vision and values and to our Constitution and to the Limited Government and Individual Freedoms it enshrined. We have never advocated any sort of striking out against those who advocate a system destructive to ours but have rallied Liberty-lovers to give and to vote; to call and to come to Townhalls meetings; to engage in the process to achieve a better outcome. We were at our local church just before another whacko murdered several of our members on a shooting spree.

We pray for the congresswoman to heal miraculously and for comfort and peace to others who have lost loved ones.

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