
Monday, November 22, 2010

Lame Duck Update-Don't Let Your Guard Down...

From South Florida Tea Party:
Dear Patriots,
The Liberal Left and Progressives in Congress have plans to "serve" the American People for Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner between now and the end of the "Lame Duck." If you haven't figured it out by now, the Liberals' plan is a cookbook! Let's make Congress "Serve" We The People!

I can't stress enough that we must remain strong and hold the line. For most of us, this Thanksgiving will be bitter sweet. We have given our time, money and resources for cause greater than ourselves. This past year I have lost an uncle, a brother and grandfather, but have not stopped my pace. In addition, my finances and career have been seriously challenged. People have riduculed and tried to assinate my name. I am not the exeception, but the rule for tea party patriots. Right now several tea party leaders I know fight to keep their businesses and homes. We don't want a bailout, we want our country back. In order to win, we must continue the march toward Liberty.

We need to keep fighting and must not lay down our guard for minute. Tyranny doesn't not sleep or get tired. People often asked me "Why did you get involved?" I tell them about the bailouts, Stimulus Bills and big government that will destroy America as we know it. I try to further explain that as a Marine I took a solemn Oath to defend the Constitution and that many before me have paid the price for Liberty before. Liberty like Tryanny is usually purchased by blood. In my humble opinion, Liberty is different from Tyranny in that those who have it, have an obligation to pass it on to the next generation.

Please take a minute and watch this quick Youtube video on the Story Behind the National Anthem. It might help you realize the sacraficies that were paid. Check the video here.

To find your Senator, please go to:
To find your Representative, please to go:

Below are our current Lame Duck successes:

-S3815 the Natural Gas and Electric Vehicles Bill was withdrawn by unanimous consent
-Appropriations Omnibus was rejected (CR expires December 3) The budget will be extended through some form of CR (CR=Continueing Resolution) (Ask your Representatives to reduce this by a percentage)
-Unemployement Insurance was rejected in the House.

We must defeat or minimize the damage from the following:
- The DREAM Act - Amnesty for illegal immigrants beyond current military process of becoming a US Citizen - Send a Free Fax to Sen. LeMieux
-Allow to expire all the Stimulus in all its forms including the Build America Bonds program. Be aware of the impact on profligate local and State governments and make adjustments where appropriate
- TANF (expires December 4th) is what was added by the Stimulus and must end.
- FAA (Expires December 31st) Reduce TSA funding - Ask your Senator/Congressman to revert TSA back to contractor status, metal detectors, profiling and dogs. It's less stressful;. costs less and more effective. Body scanners are a law enforcement tool for terrorists and smugglers. I am unconvinced the reduction of terrorism off sets the health and legal concerns.
-FDA Food Modernization Act - Will add more government control over food supply.
- FCC Net Neutrality - a threat to free speech through regulation not legislation
- The Paycheck "Fairness" Act - A threat to Free Markets and extends government's role into hiring and pay.
- Quantitative Easing - Defend your purchasing power by asking your Representatives to stop Quantitative Easing. I can't stress the importance of telling DC to stop messing around with the values of our currency.
This monetary easing is preventing recovery by devaluing the growth in savings and preventing self-reliance, investment at real market values and job creation. This Fed tactic makes all things in America more affordable to the rest of the world while pricing us out of the market because of supply and demand and a weak dollar for imports like coffee. We need to become more competitive rather then devalue everything we make and own, including our energy and food resources. Withdrawing taxpayer money from the market, paying down debt and contracting the monetary base will help to insulate the market from hyperinflation when real market demand growth occurs. We need market equilibrium and better market regulation, tax and oversight to increase adaptation, innovation and market efficiences. We need the correction in Housing that the Fed is trying to prevent from the government manufactured bubble. The Fed says this is a liquidity crisis when consumer demand is weak. The only form of real market recovery is thru the deleveraging and savings being built by the American people. Watch a simple video on it here:

In Liberty,

Everett Wilkinson & Team

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