
Thursday, November 4, 2010

We are just getting going...Call To Prayer!

The American Café,


Thank you all for your prayers over this election season. As you know Tuesday was Election Day and there was a significant backlash against Obama and all his, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid’s hard left agenda expected. Republicans earned a majority in the House of Representatives and made gains toward a majority in the Senate as well. This will slow, but not stop this President’s agenda; especially since much of the Progressive damage done to this country has been done by liberal Republicans. Pray that God-fearing, Constitution-loving conservatives will gain places of influence in our government.


Also between Election Day and January will be what is commonly called a Lame Duck Session of congress. This is where the current majority knows their days are running out and also knows that they do not have any sort of “mandate” any longer. This congress though is planning on Scorching the Earth, jamming through Same Sex Marriage, repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Environmental Laws, Card Check for unions, Amnesty and so on, to pay back the special interests who have empowered them: Enviros, Unions, Homosexuals and so on.


The point is we have some serious praying to do. It seems to never stop! Now we must pray for the Lame Duck Session.


Please set aside some time over the next 24 hours to pray. Once the dust settles we’ll be able to mount pressure on all of them again to do the right thing.


Seems like it never ends…




Pete and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café



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