
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Under the wire: Congress' Lame Duck agenda




We just learned that the key votes in this Lame Duck session may take place immediately after Thanksgiving. That presents three challenges.

First, given the victories on Election Day combined with the Thanksgiving break, I'm deeply concerned that pro-family citizens may not be ready to make their voices heard.

Second, we are still unsure exactly which agenda items Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker Nancy Pelosi will bring forward. Will they push through a major tax increase that will impact families? Will they try to repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy and underlying federal law to impose a social experiment on our military? Will they try to confirm judges like Robert Chatigny, who has repeatedly ruled in favor of sex offenders and child pornographers?

And third, we have very little time to prepare.

Peter, that's why I'm coming to you today.

In spite of a sweeping referendum two weeks ago against President Obama's policies, we must expect Majority Leader Reid and Speaker Pelosi to pull out all of the stops in this Lame Duck session - their last chance to advance their agenda before the new session of Congress begins in January.

(appeal for financial support omitted)

Above all, please continue to lift us up in our prayer for wisdom as we strive to advance family values in this rapidly changing political environment. We will continue to encourage and equip you to engage in biblical citizenship as an expression of our Christian faith, and on behalf of the family.

Thank you for your partnership with us, and may God richly bless you.

For faith and family,

Tom Minnery
Senior Vice President, Government & Public Policy





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