
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

NO Meeting on Thursday

The American Café,


The Robberson Household has the flu. Let’s NOT spread it around by having our weekly Thursday night meeting this week.


Next Thursday night, November 25th is Thanksgiving so we will not have group.


The plan is to be back in the saddle the following Thursday night, December 2nd.


I know how much we all look forward to getting together so we are disappointed we won’t meet. It will be better for us and for all of you too.


Pray about these things:


1)      The Lame Duck Session. Democrats, knowing they’ll be losing their majority come January, are attempting to adopt a “Scorched Earth Policy.” This will be the “Last Run” for the Obama Administration to get its unprecedented EXTREME agenda through without heavy opposition. Pray that the obstacle who is carrying the Conscience of the People, the Republicans, will be enough to break the run.


2)      That the new arrivals in Washington cannot be successfully co-opted by the Republican Ruling Elites. This is so HUGE because the Liberty Movement, calling the Republicans back to Constitutional values of limited government, individual liberty and the free market economy that Individual Liberty demands, sent them there. Now to have them seduced by the big government and big money “pushers” will deliver a blow to the only hope our country has left.


3)      Pray for Jim DeMint. As the face of the Tea Party (Liberty Movement) in the Senate DeMint now has attracted the full force of the Republican Elite’s wrath. He is being attacked on unprecedented levels including his past, his family and anything else the Republicans can find on him. Yes we’d expect that from the Left but not from the Right! The American Café has committed to pray weekly for Jim Demint.


4)      Sharia Law. We have talked about this many times and have followed stories about how radical Muslim elements within America are pressing to create a parallel judicial system that caters to their religion. Sounds ominous. Don’t think that this is some harmless, minor issue. The rights and freedoms we enjoy under American Law are precious. Creating some sort of “opt-in” “opt out” parallel system based upon a religious viewpoint is dangerous to the very fiber of our country. Pray for the efforts to expand Sharia Law in America to fail.


5)      Pray for the Alaska Senate Race. Grassroots Republican Primary winner, Joe Miller is in a hostile vote-count against Liberal Incumbent, Lisa Murkowski. It should be settled by Friday. Lawyers on both sides are feverishly working to influence results. Pray that the True vote count is discovered and respected.


6)      Ken Buck. Most of you don’t know this. Ken did not concede the election for Colorado Senate even though Bennet has already chosen furniture for his new office. Absentee ballots, provisional ballots and all the military ballots are being counted. The law requires that the results are Certified by Friday. I understand from those in the Buck Campaign that there is some real hope remaining that Bennet started celebrating too soon.


That’s enough for now. As you know we never run out of things to pray about regarding US politics. TSA screenings, the massive tax hike coming in January and the Fed’s Qe2 devaluation of the Dollar are all huge!


So don’t come tomorrow or on Thanksgiving but pray hard. Keep up with the relevant news and take it to the Lord as fast as you hear about it in order to keep from becoming overwhelmed.




Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café-Prayer and Action Homegroups











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