
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Call To Fall posted at

If My People, Who Are Called by My Name...
Faced with two wars, a devastating oil spill, and an administration bent on forcing sexual perversion on America, how can we possibly expect God to continue blessing this nation? The laundry list of problems keeps growing, but the most serious threat America faces is the silence of the Church. As Christians, we must take God's admonition seriously that the healing power to change a nation is vested in His people--if, and only if, they "will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways..." (2 Chronicles 7:14) God doesn't place the authority to change America in Washington's hands or Wall Street's powerful hands. He gives it exclusively to His church. And if there were ever a time that God's people should be praying, it's now. Join us in following God's prescription for healing our land by signing up for Call2Fall on Sunday, July 4. Toget! her with churches from across the nation, we recognize that the journey back to God, to His forgiveness and healing, begins on our knees in humility and repentant prayer. America needs a revival--and that revival starts with us. Are you "in?" Click here to sign up.

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