
Friday, June 11, 2010

Washington Still Isn't Listening

Exerpt from article by Tom Minnery
Senior Vice President, Government & Public Policy, Focus on the Family

"Even as the evidence of election after election shows that Americans are rejecting social change agenda in Washington, our leaders still seem set on pursuing that course. While Americans can--and, based on these primary results, probably will--hold Washington accountable, the fact is that we still have a long way to November. Consider what is going on in Congress today:

- ON SPENDING The U.S. treasury reports that our government is now borrowing $4.9 billion every day; almost three times the daily average of $1.7 billion under the previous administration. Estimates show that if you pay taxes, your share of the national debt is over $118,000. How much more will our children owe if we continue down this path?
- ON SOCIAL POLICY As I write this, the Senate is still considering a vote to repeal the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy, which has allowed our military to remain focused on protecting our nation instead of being used as a vehicle of social change.
- RESHAPING THE SUPREME COURT Soon the Senate will commence hearings on Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court vacancy. We know Ms. Kagan has no judicial experience and has spent her entire career in liberal academia and politics."

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