
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Is Obama America's "Educator-In-Chief On Islam"?

From: Gary L. Bauer
The Weekly Standard is reporting today that Rashad Hussain, who is the U.S. special envoy to the Organization for the Islamic Conference (OIC), told a crowd Wednesday at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars that our president is America's "educator-in-chief on Islam." Hussain also announced that the U.S. will support the OIC's efforts in the United Nations to make "defamation of religion" a crime. This means that the Obama administration will be working with the OIC, which is deeply anti-Semitic and has links to terrorist groups, to supress any speech that criticizes Islam or Muslim practices.

Unfortunately, Obama has already taught us all the wrong things about Islam. Soon after becoming president, Obama told a Muslim TV network, "My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy." And he once declared that America is one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. Worst of all, Obama has refused to acknowledge that Islam has anything to do with terrorism. If the president thinks he's supposed to be America's educator-in-chief on Islam, perhaps he needs to take a few remedial courses on the religion. And as a former Undersecretary of Education, I'd be happy to teach them to him!

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