
Monday, June 21, 2010

A New Twist on "Elder Abuse"

A New Twist to Elder Abuse

One of the most powerful arguments we as opponents of assisted suicide and euthanasia use is that these acts can be tantamount to elder abuse. Family members and/or medical professionals can abuse their power over vulnerable individuals by intimidating them into "choosing" assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Now, Compassion and Choices (C&C), the nation's leading proponent of assisted suicide and euthanasia, is trying to put a new twist on elder abuse. Recognizing the power of the elder abuse argument for opponents, C&C writes on its website that, in recognition of World Elder Abuse Prevention Day, we should focus on a "rarely recognized" and "never punished" form of elder abuse -- "the pain, torture and invasion of bodily integrity from 'heroic' and futile medical procedures associated with end-of-life care."

"Add to this scene severe and unnecessary suffering from inadequate treatment of pain," says C&C and they conclude that assisted suicide and euthanasia are the answer. Excuse me, but wouldn't it be simpler to just work to relieve pain as so many in the medical profession are now doing? And, to respect the right of patients to refuse treatment?

Then comes the real motivation behind the C&C onslaught: "When institutions withhold vital information about medical practices like terminal sedation or aid in dying [C&C euphemism for assisted suicide], which they deem immoral, and hold patients hostage to their own beliefs in the redemptive power of suffering, that is elder abuse....Catholic facilities that enforce gag rules and bar conversations about legal aid in dying, even when a patient inquires, are doing just that in Oregon and Washington."

It's those bad Catholics again, trying to invoke conscience protections for their medical professionals and facilities. And, that is C&C's goal -- first to legalize; then, to eliminate conscience protections so that assisted suicide and euthanasia can be mainstreamed and available anywhere.

-Wisconsin Right To Life


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