
Friday, June 18, 2010

Pence: Social Issues Fit Conservatives to a 'Tea'

Pence: Social Issues Fit Conservatives to a 'Tea' -Tony Perkins

Fortunately, not all Republicans share Grover's opinion. In fact, one of the most well-respected conservatives in America , Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.), was blunt about where the Tea Party movement would be without traditional values. In a speech yesterday, Pence said people are drawn to the Tea Party movement "because it embraces American morality, including the sanctity of life...and marriage..." At the end of his remarks, the Republican Conference Chair said, "[I]t needs to be said... that what's animating this authentic American movement is that our present crisis is not just economic and fiscal. It's moral in nature... [O] ur leaders need to recognize that public policy alone will not cure what ails this country. It's going to take public virtue and a return to the institutions that nourish the character of the nation... ! [like] life... marriage... and the importance of religion in every day life." Congressman, we couldn't have said it better ourselves.

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