
Sunday, October 31, 2010

FW: Tea Party Abandoned By Republicans in Alaska

Sound familiar? At least its now official…



Republican Party Protects the Ruling Class

Tea Party Candidate needs our help!

Dear GOP Trust Supporter:

ABC NEWS is reporting this morning that "high level officials" in the Republican Party admit they are abandoning Tea Party Conservative and winner of the Alaskan Republican Primary Joe Miller in favor of liberal insider Lisa Murkowski.

This disgusting display of arrogance, entitlement, and outright defiance of the Tea Party - and the expressed will of the voters - is beyond belief. Joe Miller beat the long time Washington insider, fair and square. But the Establishment refused to embrace him - even undermined him - and so now he is in the fight of his life to win on Tuesday. And Senate control hangs in the balance.

Our 30-second TV ad and our explosive documentary, Breaking Point, both of which have been saturating the Alaskan market, have successfully filled the void left by the Party. Joe Miller is dead even in the polls and will win if can produce a huge wave of Conservative voters.

We must continue to educate the Alaskan voters and ensure they vote Conservative on Tuesday.

We are on the phone right now buying additional airtime to bring Joe to victory. Please help us keep these ads on the air.

Take Back Our Country and Our Party!

Joe Miller is a great candidate and exactly the type of Conservative leader we need in Washington to turn this country around.

Sarah Palin was able to help deliver Joe Miller's great win in the Republican Primary but now it is up to us to push him over the top Tuesday!

Your support has been tremendous and we are almost to the finish line. Please help us close this election off with force. Together we can deliver a stinging defeat to the liberal establishment by electing Conservative Joe Miller and defeating the liberal Washington insider Murkowski.

Aggressively airing of our explosive documentary, Breaking Point and keeping our campaign ads on the air will do it!

Watch Our Ad Watch Film

This race should have been a cake walk. Instead, we are liable to lose this race simply because the Republican Establishment was bypassed, and didn't like it. And as a result, they've stubbornly ignored, denied and fought Conservatives every step of the way.

Now we are on the cusp of delivering a major blow to the Political Establishment and coming one step closer to taking back our country, and our once proud party.

We can do it but we need to hurry. Help us, Please, to get this ad and our film in front of every voter in Alaska.

We will continue to buy airtime right up until the polls close.


Yours for America,

Scott Wheeler

Paid for by The National Republican Trust PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. 2100 M St., N.W., Suite 170-340, Washington, DC 20037-1233.

Contributions to The National Republican Trust PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. No corporate funds are accepted.

The National Republican Trust PAC is not an official RNC committee. We are conservative Republicans dedicated to helping restore the GOP to its historic conservative roots by mobilizing like-minded Republicans nationwide

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