
Friday, August 20, 2010

American Cafe Group Fall Kick-Off

The American Café and Tax Day Tea Partiers,


Well we hope you have all had a good summer. For many of us it was not the break we’d hoped for with the run-up to the Primaries. I trust you were each involved with your time, talents and money; giving, walking and working the phone banks for the Candidate you believed would stand firm for our Constitutional values of Individual Freedom, Limited Government and the Free Market. We worked hard for Ken Buck and for Dan Maes (although not as an official American Café endorsement.)


This Thursday, August 26th at 6:30 we’ll have a Meet-n-Greet at our house. At this time we will not be running our Liberty Kids Program. We have fabulous curriculum and a wonderful momentum but have been unable so far to find a person to volunteer to teach for us. We’ll keep you posted on that.


Please bring a snack to share with the group. We will be going over some orientation items and bringing some Encouraging news to the group. (There is never a shortage of frustrating developments in the political realm.) We will have weekly sign-ups for snacks and will have a baby-sitting “puppy” (vs a “Kitty”) to cover the cost of an eventual baby-sitter. (I am pretty down on cats right now.)


Anyway this is your invitation! If you would like to be a part of our Prayer and Political Action weekly home group this Fall please come. Just getting engaged makes a HUGE difference to beat back the feeling of helplessness that creeps over us Christians when thinking of Politics.




Our group has been invited by the Focus on the Family Bookstore to hand out Constitutions at the store for their September 11th and 12th patriotic remembrance of our fallen, fellow Americans. We will want quite a few of you to help out if you can make the time. Please RSVP to me to let me know how much you can be there.




Please RSVP to let us know your interest in being a part of the Fall, home-group. We will adjust as needed to accommodate the needs of the most people. In addition if you would like to host this meeting at your home or have use help you start your own we’d love to have you.


Happy Birthday to The American Café-1 Year Old!


Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café

Prayer and Action Home Groups



*PS. You are on this mailing list because you have asked to be. If you wish to be removed please send an email reply and I will remove you immediately.


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