
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Stand Strong on Governor!

Dear American Café,

Most of you now know that Tancredo has announced he will run as a third party candidate. While many of you are confused as to what we should do differently regarding our votes in the Primary on Tuesday, let me encourage you to STAY STEADY.

Don’t jump around two weeks before the Primary. Don’t switch your vote just two weeks before the Primary. This Tancredo thing is timed to change the outcome of the Republican Primary. Until recently and including at State Tom was trying to damage Dan believing that “Dan can’t possibly beat Higgenlooper this November.” Tom was boosting for and supporting McInnis. He openly says so.

Our advice is to follow through with however you were planning to vote on Tuesday. Don’t let hypotheticals and what-ifs change how you assign your precious vote. I am confident that there is another shoe to drop on the Tancredo thing. When it does if you have changed your voting strategy somehow because of Tom you will regret it.

Vote however you wish on Tuesday but guard yourself from changing your plan because you expect Tom to do one thing on another.

That is our advice.

Remember to pray for this Primary. The enemy is bringing confusion, uncertainty and a whirlwind of last minute chaos in the run-up to Tuesday. STAY STEADY. Trust the Lord. Don’t buy the premise that any candidate “can’t possibly beat Higgenlooper.” That is not the way the Lord works and He is not short on power and might.


Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café


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