
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

RE: Governor Race

Let's just hope that if we have Tea Party and Conservative Party candidates that it doesn't do the same thing to the Republicans on a national level. 

From: Pete Robberson []
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 5:29 PM
To: 'Brooks'; Kaiser, Richard S
Cc:; 'Adrienne'
Subject: FW: Governor Race

The American Café,


I just received this from one of our field informantsJ Please let this motivate you to place a call to Taking Back America on behalf of Victory in Colorado. I am sure that Tancredo arranged this long before he left the Party and became a competitor against victory of the conservative in November.


Please call.


Peter Robberson


(Header deleted to protect privacy)



I was reading World Net Daily, they are hosting a "Taking Back America" Conference Sep 16-18.  Guess who one of their guest speakers is…Tom Tancredo.  I called them at 1-877-768-2784 ext. 105.  I asked them if they were aware that Tom Tancredo is running for governor in the state of Colorado.  By doing so he is handing the governorship to the Democrats-by splitting the Republican/Conservative vote.


I went on to explain that Tom decided to get into the race 2 weeks before the Primary on August 10th.  If Tom had wanted to be the governor he should have made the decision a year ago.


Tom is a one trick pony-immigration. 


We have a strong candidate DAN MAES who did it the right way through our Caucus, State Assembly and Primary and won each.  He can beat the Democrat John Hickenlooper.

                -He is a successful businessman

                -he plans to reduce the size of government

                -he plans to bring energy jobs back to Colorado

                -he is strong on immigration, by enforcing the law already on the books and working with ICE

                -he is strong on education through competition between public, homeschooling and charter schools


Tom Tancredo needs to get out of this race or you should drop him from your Taking Back America Conference.


Maybe if a few of us call with this message, WND will take some action.  See attached flyer.


Beth R

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