
Saturday, August 7, 2010

RE: Jane Norton: The Right Choice


I would not vote for Jane Norton because you and her supporters including John McCain and the Washington Republican Establishment Progressives don’t understand what is happening in our country.

You also do not understand the largest political/social movement in the history of our country over the last nearly 2 years; The awakening of the Grassroots to renew our founders vision and values to our government.

Jane, being picked and supported by perhaps the most influential Republican Progressive in Washington, John McCain is already beholden to him…and will continue to be. (Too bad John won’t fight the Left like he fights the Constitution-loving Republicans.) John is arguably the reason why we lost the election last November but you and Jane and he do not get it.

Please remove my contact information from this mailing list. It looks as though you are using the El Paso County GOP email data base to stump for Jane. This of course would be unethical on your part. It reinforces that the National Party has already chosen its Colorado Senator, even while the People of Colorado who first Chose Ken at the Caucuses, then again at State have not voted in the Primary yet. Because Renegade-Jane is already Thwarting the will of the Citizens of Colorado and won’t take NO for an answer how does that indicate she’ll govern if elected?

Remove me from your mailing list.

Peter T. Robberson

The American Café


From: [] On Behalf Of Chuck Broerman
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2010 9:32 PM
Subject: Jane Norton: The Right Choice

Jane Norton

“I am running for one simple reason. The federal government is out of control — overtaxing, over-regulating, and overspending.”

3 Days Until the Primary!


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Jane Norton

Jane Norton

8006 East Arapahoe Road
Suite 150
Centennial, Colorado 80112

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