
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Fw"We Did it!" Good Job GRASSROOTS!

The American Café,

If you supported Ken Buck you’ll be excited to know he won today. For all of you that worked so hard making phone calls, walking precincts, giving your money and going to events like honk and waves and rallies Congratulations!

Hopefully the other candidate and their supporters will now come out in full force to help Ken win this November with their support and their cash.

Waiting for the Final on Maes…ahead so far by .9 points with 91% counted and Dan holding 50.4% of the R-Primary vote. Interesting it is almost exactly the same as the outcome at State even though Dan was outspent more than 20-1. WOW!


Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café

From: Buck for Colorado, Ken Buck []
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 11:00 PM
Subject: Peter We Did it!


We achieved something truly amazing tonight. We did what no one believed we could. We sent a message loud and clear. We are ready to take back the Senate. We are ready for principled, conservative values in Washington.

I couldn't have done it without you. The commitment from the grassroots is what made all this possible.

For the next 83 days, we are going to harness all our strength, engage people across Colorado and get our country back on track.

In my speech tonight, I asked a question-- Can we tell our children that we did enough as their opportunity for a better life was being squandered?

We spoke out and Washington Ignored us. But, with your help, in November they will not be able to ignore us anymore.

Tomorrow we begin the general election. To win this fight I need to ask your help again. Please, renew your commitment by making a contribution today. Whatever you can donate, it will make a difference. We have fought hard for 16 months; we will fight hard for the next 83 days, and in November we will win.

Please, make a donation and In November, you can look at your children and tell them that this is still the land of opportunity.

Thank you for everything,

Ken Buck

Paid for by Buck for Colorado

Contributions to Buck for Colorado are limited by federal law to $4,800 ($2,400 to the primary election; $2,400 to the general election). A couple may contribute up to $9,600 from a joint account as long as both individuals sign the check or sign below. A multi-candidate federal PAC may contribute up to $10,000 ($5,000 to the primary election; $5,000 to the general election). Contributions to Buck for Colorado are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, foreign nationals, federal government contractors and labor unions are prohibited. Federal law requires political committees to use their best efforts to obtain and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle.

Buck For Colorado
P.O. Box 101465
Denver, CO 80250

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