
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How did we do on our Petitions?

American Café,


Great News! For those of you who participated in the petition to allow Colorado to vote on blocking Obamacare in November, we succeeded!




If you feel discouraged, like I often do, bask in this accomplishment. Now lets work for the last week before the Primary for the non-Establishment candidate of your choice. The Establishment choices will give us more of the same thing that resulted in the last General. No Progressives on the Left. Especially no Progressives on the Right (or Candidates who owe their soul to the Progressives as we have running here in Colorado.)


Lets press on together.


Also please frequent our Blog page and our Facebook pages. I am often attacked there with non of you to voice your support. It is all part of winning this war one heart, one battle at at time.




Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café



From: Clem Borkowski []
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 9:37 PM
Subject: HC - What's the Number?




That's how you do it! Great job to everyone who helped make this possible.


And please give to the Independence Institute to promote and fight the left all the way to November. I2I has already spent over $250,000 fighting in court and getting signatures.


For everyone that missed out and says they wish they would have signed tell them to go give $5 right now if they really want to help.


Thanks again and I'll keep you posted on the SOS final ruling.


Clem Borkowski

Internal Communications

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