
Friday, April 2, 2010

The American Cafe



Thanks for coming out to Heritage Foundation’s screening of the documentary 33 Minutes tonight. We had a great time. While we only sold about 25 tickets over 200 people reportedly came. It was a wakeup call to the dangers the US faces relative to possible missile attack and how only persistence, expansion and vigilance will keep us safe in the future. The panel discussion was also particularly good. We learned which city to live in that has a missile shield today and learned to hate it for the Israelis who have only about 33 seconds notice of a missile attack. We also watched the panelists become uncomfortable when asked questions about currently classified material.


All in all a great time! Thank you all for your shared sponsorship of this event!


This Saturday morning we’ll be hosting the Constitution Made Easy meeting here at the house instead of at the Church because of The Thorn performances. Hope to see you there!




Pete and Adrienne

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