
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Great Discussion! Join In!

Why are Americans still paying for NPR? Mon at 9:37pm
Why are the taxpayers still subsidizing NPR? Does anyone know?

They spew their daily left wing, uppity, radical, Marxist, Statist rhetoric drumbeat. And actually that's fine with me. I don't object to their competing for the brain cells of my parents age citizens. Bring on the competition! Let's see who's ideas will prevail. But don't make the taxpayers subsidize their minority view and give them a platform and an air of authority.

Let NPR sell advertising like the defunct Air America and the other Communist pseudo-news outlets! Now more than ever, while the economy is in the toilet, lets cut out the PORK and not require the majority fund the minority point of view.

I'm just sayin'....

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Terry Patterson Hi Pete--I listen to and enjoy NPR daily. I love "Lake Wobegone," "Fresh Air," the news and the local music they play in addition to the local events that are shared on air. I have heard liberals and conservatives, Republicans and Democrats on NPR. They are always respectful to their guests and they represent a wide swath of opinions. Unlike lots of radio shows out there, if they have an agenda it is hard to pick up on.

Peter Robberson Hi Terry. How's it going? So to my question. Why are taxpayers paying for NPR?

Yesterday at 6:17pm · .Terry Patterson Hey, good. Somehow the powers that be believe that some things are for the common good. Taxpayers pay for parks, roads, museums, libraries, national parks, police, fire, PBS, NPR and much more. (Although the bulk of the money for NPR comes from donations.) There are some things that are best not tied to profit. I love that there are parks and libraries open to everyone no matter how much money they make. Those things we support to benefit everyone have an impact on our quality of life and our intellectual development apart from what advertisers tell us we need to be happy. Would you like to replace Sesame Street and Magic School Bus for only Power Rangers and Sponge Bob for your kids? There is so much schmuck on the radio--I for one am VERY grateful that NPR is available. Our station is sponsored by Colorado College, hardly your parent's age group!

2 hours ago · .Peter Robberson When the Professors, faculty, staff and aging Alumni of one of the most liberal, progressive, elite schools in the country sponsor a radio station that kind of ruins your point that it is somehow mainstream and should be paid for by all Americans. Let's not compare the Government being in control of the information flow to the Government paying for parks, and streetlights. I am amazed that it seems OK to take from one person as long as giving it to another person FEELS like it's for a good reason. Let's not require Americans to pay for anything beyond what is Constitutionally mandated, especially in a depression. There are thousands of radio programs and thousands of radio stations for America to choose from. As I work to get NPR off the Budget I'm sure independent donors and advertisers will happily pick it up. Then it can be truly independent and its views can reflect those of the people who chose to support it like all the other stations. Let NPR compete in the open marketplace of ideas using zero tax dollars.

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