
Monday, April 26, 2010

Do Not Shut Up

Subject: Do Not Shut Up


The left wants you to shut up.  The left wants you to sit down.  Don't do it.


We must all fight for freedom.  But many are asking, "How?"


Across the country, I am helping American Majority and Smart Girl Politics put on Post-Party Summits.


The summits only cost $50.00.  This weekend in Denver, CO, and Jacksonville, FL there will be two summits.  


Learn how to be an effective community organizer for freedom.  Learn how to be a more effective activist.  Learn how to be a candidate for office.


The training is invaluable.  The tools are essential.  You need to stand up and speak up.  You cannot sit on the sidelines any more in the fight for freedom.


Attending a Post Party Summit is a terrific way to find out how to get involved.


I hope to see you there.  Click here to find the nearest Post Party Summit to you.


Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson

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