
Friday, April 9, 2010

Post Party Summit in Denver!

Beyond the Parties, the Post Party Summits-Erick Erickson

We have reached a point in this country where many people eschew partisan identity. They are liberal or conservative, but not Democrat or Republican. American Majority is engaging in something called “Post Party Summits.” If you can, you must attend.

Go to and you will see where these summits will be around the country. I’ll be speaking at the ones in Denver, Charlotte, and Pittsburgh.

American Majority intends to train conservatives on becoming effective grassroots activists, advocates, candidates, and online activists. I hear all the time at tea party events, “Get involved. Get involved. Do something.” The crowd goes wild and cheers, “Yyyyyyeeeaaaaahhhhhh!!! Let’s get invvvvvvvvoolllllvved.” Then they go home and have no freaking clue what to do.

American Majority intends to teach you how to get involved through Post Party Summits. You will go from “yes I want to get involved” to know how to actually get involved and why to get involved. You need to attend.

I encourage your participation in these summits if you can get to one. Conservatives must not sit on the sidelines, but must get involved in the political process. This is one easy way to figure out how.

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