
Monday, April 12, 2010

FW: Major Pro-Life Victory over Dawn Johnsen Nomination


Dear Peter,

A pro-life victory!

On Friday afternoon, the pro-life movement scored a major win when Dawn Johnsen, President Obama’s radically pro-abortion nominee for the Assistant Attorney General in the Office of Legal Counsel, withdrew her name from consideration.

Susan B. Anthony List activists have been fighting Johnsen’s nomination for over a year now—and with good reason. Not only has Johnsen called pregnancy “slavery,” this pro-abortion radical served as the legal counsel for National Abortion & Reproductive Rights Action League and also worked on the ACLU’s Reproductive Freedom Project.

Johnsen once said that women are “the inevitable losers in the contraceptive lottery,” and “no more ‘consent’ to pregnancy than pedestrians ‘consent’ to being struck by drunk drivers.”

It was the sustained opposition of  Susan B. Anthony List activists like you, Peter, that kept up the intense pressure. Over 26,000 letters expressing outrage over Johnsen’s nomination have been pouring into Senate offices from across the country since we began.  Special thanks to Indiana Right to Life for taking the lead to generate pressure from back home on Indiana Senators.

Johnsen admitted Friday that it was the “strong opposition” that led her to withdraw her nomination. Today, ABC News reported that the reason for Johnsen’s withdrawal was that the White House "didn't have the stomach for the debate."

Peter, thank you so much for your dedication to protecting Life. Without your perseverance, we would never have succeeded in this effort to stop Dawn Johnsen. I hope that this good news sustains you as we gear up for another Supreme Court nomination and the mid-term elections.

For Life,

Marjorie Dannenfelser

President, Susan B. Anthony List

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