
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Are you Tea-ed Off Yet? Get in the game or lose the game!

Fellow Patriots,


If you are reading this today you might be in the wrong place. Get yourself down to the second time in recent history when hundreds of thousands of Americans are saying ENOUGH is ENOUGH! Last year about 750 groups spontaneously erupted on Tax Day with gatherings and protests in their towns and cities to put our elected officials on notice that we will vote them out of office if they abandon Limited Government, Financial Responsibility and Individual Liberty. Rather than hear us and respond like an shamed employee placed on Probation they doubled down on their spending and outrageous behavior.


Later in the summer tens of thousands of regular citizens showed up at their various officials’ Town Hall Meetings to demand that they properly represent the interests of their constituents. Again Washington rebuffed the petitioning of the Citizenry. Finally on September 12, 2009 between one and two million people converged upon Washington DC in the largest gathering in history at the Mall. The mainstream media, when embarrassed into mentioning it all reported that several thousand toothless, hillbilly, racists gathered in hoods and robes to “Hate On” the first black President…because if you don’t accept Unconstitutional Government bullying business, lenders, automobile manufacturers, investors, doctors and health workers then obviously you ‘just hate black people’.


Come to Acacia Park if you are in Colorado Springs today from 11am to 1pm. No matter what city you are in there is undoubtedly a gathering of Freedom Loving Patriots who have had it over their heads in Unconstitutional Power Grabbing, reckless and foolhardy spending, dangerous foreign policy and hatin’ on our Constitution and on Americans. Google TaxdayTeaParty to find a location. Get yourself out into the streets while you still have a voice and we still have the freedom to gather and speak. The stakes have never been higher in our lifetimes and we have exactly one chance to get this right. If you won’t do it for yourself do it for your children and grand children. They’ll never have the America we loved and cherished.


We’ll be there. Just a heads up; Reports are that a group from Oregon called Crash the Tea Parties. Founded by a middle school teacher his website is calling for infiltration and disruption and includes specific instruction to bring racist signs complete with misspelled words to wave in front of any media that will cover them. Also the Anarchists have been following the Tea Party Express across the country and continue to stage disruption and counter-demonstrations calling for…anarchy, (why they call themselves anarchists?). Finally expect SEIU and other organized labor groups to attend. SEIU beat Bobby Jindal’s campaign person and husband so badly they were hospitalized over the weekend down in Louisiana. Come to peaceably gather, be seen and heard and connect with like-minded Americans who want our Country back.


Peter and Adrienne

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