
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Silence is Consent

The hundreds of thousands of Americans that took off work to attend rallies across the Country on Tax Day have figured out that silence is consent.

Being silent when the Federal Government takes control of a controlling share of the Auto-Makers; Being silent when the Federal Government threatened to tax certain named individual's bonuses at 95%; Being silent when Federal the Federal Government tries to make the Internet a Public Utility and control its content. Being silent when the Federal Government bullies one particular network to go along with their agenda. Being silent makes us complicit in their actions.

Our silence over the last 50 years may well have cost us our Republic. The time is now. It was yesterday and last week. It is time to rise up and make your voice heard. We were founded as a Constitutional Republic on the principles of individual freedom, limited government and free market principles. If you don't see ten or twelve more freedoms lost every day you are not paying attention. We are hemorrhaging our freedoms. Our Silence is our Consent.

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