
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Grassroots Training Conference in Denver



American Majority is partnering with Erick Erickson of, Smart Girl Politics and the John Hancock Committee for the States to bring you the Post Party Summits, two days of intensive, full training to build upon what you know already, and further equip you to take back our nation. 


The training will be April 30-May 1 in Denver and will feature Erick Erickson at the Friday evening dinner with the training sessions to take place on Saturday.  Ned Ryun, our national president, will be conducting many of the training sessions himself, and I will be returning to go more in-depth on advancing liberty online.  More than 15 sessions will be offered on investigative journalism, running for office, blogging, women in politics, micro-targeting precincts, fundraising and more.  You can learn all about it at  The Denver schedule can be found at


I want to encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity- Denver is one of only seven cities nation-wide where these Summits will take place.  One, please plan to attend!  I promise, even though you've been through our training before, these power-packed sessions will be of benefit.  Two, please spread the word to your friends, co-workers and group members.  I think we can all agree that 2010 is a critical year for liberty- and it's time to get trained and make a difference!  And three, if your 912 or tea party group is willing to sign on as a co-sponsor (no financial commitment involved, simply a matter of helping spread the word and getting a free registration, plus a second free registration for bringing 15 or more people), please contact me or Matt Pinnell at


As always, thank you for all that you do, day in and day out, for liberty- it is making a difference and we're proud to be returning to Colorado

Peter T. Robberson
American Majority-Mechanics

American Majority is a non-partisan non-profit organization leading the battle in training and equipping the next generation of liberty-minded candidates, activists and community leaders.  We believe that national change begins at the state and local level.  

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