
Monday, October 25, 2010

Are You Taking The Bait?

The American Café,


I am attaching my final communication regarding Dan Maes and his run for Governor. I heard as recently as Saturday night from a woman who phoned me to go over her ballot with me and ask my input. She is still laboring under much of the misinformation, half-truths and outright lies that [the third party candidate] has run on the TV and Radio with his millions of dollars of national and Washington support. We talked for two and a half hours.


In religious circles we call the attacks on Dan Maes Gossip. Somehow we believers give Gossip a pass when it is delivered within a political context. But it is just as wrong, maybe even more harmful and destructive and, while effective, is a reprehensible tactic to sway public opinion. I am amazed at how many of the grassroots activists have believed what they have heard from the opponent of their original grassroots candidate, and disregarded, ignored or didn’t bother to hear directly from the man who is attacked. I am ashamed and embarrassed by how many people who should know better but have bought into the lies from [the third party candidate’s] political attack machine. The Elites within the Republican Party have categorically refused to allow the grassroots in Colorado field a Citizen-Candidate and refused to honor our choice for Governor. The ruling elite within the Republican Party is doing the same thing in Alaska where Joe Miller beat the RINO incumbent, Lisa Murkowski in the Primary. Not willing to accept the people’s choice Lisa decided to run as a write-in candidate, spent Millions on Attack  Media (because it works), and is now pulling even with Joe Miller. RESULT? Democrat victory, with the Republicans blaming the Grassroots for their loss. Just what I expect will happen here in Colorado.


Read this letter from Dan a friend has forwarded to me. Watch the YouTube to hear directly from Dan on the many vicious, relentless and unconscionable lies against him. Don’t keep repeating the lies (as though they were true) or you yourself become complicit in them. Refuse to participate in the Gossip and political warfare against Dan regardless of how you may cast vote. Operate in utmost integrity and righteousness in all areas of our lives because it is the right thing to do…and let God handle outcomes. Don’t second guess God about outcomes but do the right thing even when it seems to hurt.


I got a letter from [the minority party candidate] on Friday asking to make up with the grassroots. He is polling about 6 points down from Hickenlooper and is coming to believe he needs the Dan Maes supporters he has savaged after all, in order to win. My response was that if he is sincere and wants to ask forgiveness he needs to run a statewide media campaign retracting his lies and attacks on Dan. He needs to work to restore the reputation he and his supporters have destroyed in Dan Maes. He needs to ask Dan and Karen to forgive him and to do Press Releases admitting that his behavior to destroy another human being was because he wrongly felt that winning was more important than even his own character.


Our Prayer and Political Action groups: 1.) Pray for God’s outcomes and 2.) Encourage our own citizen involvement to press our leaders toward righteousness. We fight against injustice and ungodliness in our elected officials and in those trying to become our next elected officials. We stand for integrity in the process established for our Caucus System in Colorado, stand against voter corruption and against the manipulation of our citizens to vote a certain way. We fight against those in both parties who would try to override the will of the Grassroots, battling those who have given us the disaster we now face in America. We stand for a restoration of the values and ideals of our founders; who established narrowly defined roles for government to protect our God-given freedoms and liberty, and a citizen-led government.


I hope this letter serves to clarify our values and serves to encourage you to do what’s right by faith, regardless of outcomes. Remember that first and foremost God wants an obedient people. Outcomes have always been the responsibility of God alone. Nations rise and fall on whether its citizens have hearts fully committed to Him, demonstrated by all that what we do.




Pete and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café-Prayer and Political Action Groups



From: A.C.
Subject: FW: Are You Taking the Bait?

To All: Leave this in God's hands and go from there, We The People Know Whats Right from Wrong.




One of the most common phrases I heard early on in the conservative revolution (movement) was the anger and frustration of the Republican Party always manipulating the caucus process in order to insure one of its own was favored later on down the line into the assembly and the general election.  Often that meant a moderate, someone with money, and especially that ever elusive “electability”.  We saw it with Coors, Beauprez, Schaefer, and most recently McInnis.  All are fine men, of course, but they all reflected the system that was broken.  The power brokers used whatever creative solutions behind the scenes available to accomplish their goals.  It had become impossible to do anything about it…or did it?


This year, you had a man willing to go not only the extra mile, but over 100,000 miles in 20 months, to make the sacrifices needed and worthy of your loyalty and support.  I was willing to make the sacrifices you were demanding from candidates.  I not only showed up once or twice to your area but 10 or 20 times in some cases.  I had to run two campaigns in order appeal to two groups while honoring a conservative message among both. I often found myself in Grand Junction on a Monday for a Tea Party event only to be invited to return days later for a Republican event.  This happened many times across our large state.  Do you remember me attending 4 Tea parties last 4th of July?  I incurred the private plane expenses to meet the demand of groups in Denver, CSP, Pagosa Springs and Loveland.  Like many of you, I had to ask myself was it worth it.  Would I give up yet another day with my family to be with you, the people of Colorado? The answer was ALWAYS yes.  No complaints, we did what the cause needed done, right?


One night, my 7 year old son Ben asked me to make sure I said good bye to him in the morning before I left.  I knew I would be leaving before 6:00 AM and wondered if he really knew what it meant for me to say good bye as I would have to wake him to do so.  The next morning I decided to not wake him as I thought it better to let him sleep.  I got in my car, raised the garage door, and started to back out. I heard Ben yelling to me in tears, “Daddy, you said you would say good bye to me this morning”.  He had heard the garage door and run into the garage in his PJs.  I stopped, got out and hugged him, half laughing and half crying, and told him good bye and got him back to bed.  He never asked me to stop running, he just wanted me to say good bye. 


Many of you have made similar sacrifices over the last 18 months.  You gave of your family time, your finances, your vacations, etc. to insure true conservatives were your candidates.  You wanted them to earn your support and stand for lower taxes, constitutional government, and your freedoms.  I never once heard someone say, “We just need someone who can win”.  I never once heard someone say, “We’ll take anyone as long as the liberal doesn’t win.” This was EXACTLY what we were fighting against, holding our noses for someone who could win in exchange for our conservative principles. 


Thanks to all of our hard work we got through the primary with a historic victory.  Do you actually realize the significance of what you accomplished getting me through the primary?  You bet I know who got me through it and I still recognize it.  But now some are taking the bait.  The bait is dressed up as an alleged conservative who can, “preserve the conservative movement” as I have been told recently.  Whether this man acted on his own initially and brought the GOP in line later or it was orchestrated from the beginning makes no difference.  The bottom line is the GOP once again, in a desperate Hail Mary pass, is hi-jacking the process and your votes and telling you to pick the man who can win.  They used the same tactics as they use in other states;  run a scorched earth campaign against the people’s candidate, make him/her appear unelectable, then run some polls to insure you are convinced, and finally tell you to elect their choice, not your choice that you worked so hard to get elected.


Now, it appears that the very man who gave you walking orders last fall and betrayed you with a third party is asking you to support him.  Oh, some of you will fall for it, but you shouldn’t.  Some of you will actually believe and trust this man in good faith.  Don’t do it. 


One of the sacrifices I have made is missing church because of travel and engagements.  I said I would not do it early on but it became obvious that I would need to.  I actually made it to church today.  The sermon was about righteousness and justice.  How appropriate.  Will we stand for what is right and just or will we sell out for convenience?  Trust me; I have heard every argument to do the latter.  It was the same argument my predecessors have most likely heard and bought into, thus leaving us with what we have become so disgusted with.  That is why I will not waiver.  If I waiver the entire last 20 months will be for naught.  I must stand strong for those who are also standing strong.  I must stand strong to draw back those of you who may be taking or have taken the bait.  Most of all, I must stand strong for that 7 year old crying in the garage, and for your 7 year old, and the 70 years olds that voted for me, still support me, and demand that I not get out of the race.  We hear it everywhere.  “You have more support than you know”. 


So where does that leave us?  If I have not already gotten your vote, I ask for your loyalty, your courage, and your vote.   See you on Nov. 2nd.       



God bless, and for those who are still pondering the vote because of the half truths and lies you have been hearing I invite you to watch the attached.  Be prepared, the worst is coming this week.



Dan Maes




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