
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pete's Picks-My Choices for the November Election

Friends in the American Cafe,

I continue to get so many requests for advice on candidates and issues as people prepare to vote I must, in the interest of my own time management, post my choices here. Realize that these are merely my own personal choices this election season and do not represent any official position or endorsement either of candidates or of issues on behalf of my organizations, my employers, my place of worship or of any other group I may be associated with. Inform yourself then vote your own consciences. For further explanation, particularly on my perspective on the Governor's Race, review my Facebook pages or "Notes" contained under its Note Tab. (Also note that some races/issues I have not included in this list either because I did not choose a candidate or am undecided or unprepared to say.) Finally, let me encourage you to wait until the latest possible day to vote (but don't miss it) as new information always comes out during these last few days on both issues and on Candidates.

Senator: Ken Buck.

Governor: Dan Maes. Reference my Facebook articles on “Don't Take the Bait”, “Why I Cannot (morally) Vote for Tancredo”, and others.

Secretary of State: Scott Gessler.

Treasurer: Walker Stapleton.

Attorney General: John Suthers.

Regent: Steve Bosley.

County Commissioner: Peggy Littleton.

County Assessor: Mark Lowderman.

County Sheriff: Terry Maketa.

County Surveyor: G. Lawrence Burnett.

County Coroner: Bob Bux.


NO on Bender. NO on Martinez. NO on Rice. Reference is ""


YES on all. Reference is Tom and Debs Picks although realize that Tom and Debs Picks rooted for Jane Norton against Ken Buck and for Dan Maes (but notably "with reservations"). They also pulled for JJ Ament. My point is that they certainly get it wrong sometimes and that they still appear to be mistifyingly unsupportive of the grassroots/liberty movement around the country.


NO on Deborah Grohs, NO on Gilbert Martinez. "Yes" votes assumed on others. Reference is Tom and Debs Picks.


NO on Lawrence Martin, NO on Jonathan Walker, NO on Regina Walter. "Yes" votes assumed on others. Reference is Tom and Debs Picks.


NO on Amendment P, NO on Amendment Q, NO on Amendment R

STATE INITIATED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS-originated by citizen petitions, carried by paid and/or volunteer circulators.

NO on Amendment 60 which can be largely accomplished by state legislature without the downsides/landmines.

NO on Amendment 61 which can be largely accomplished by state legislature without the downsides/landmines.

YES on Amendment 62, "The Personhood Amendment" recognizing a baby is a human being from conception on.(As opposed to a protected baby seal, dolphin, whale or Preeble Mouse.)

YES on Amendment 63 protecting Coloradoan's ability to choose their health care options, shielding us from ObamaCare.

NO on Proposition 101 which can be largely accomplished by state legislature without the downsides/landmines.

NO on Proposition 102

YES on COUNTY QUESTION 1A-Prohibit the proliferation of Pot Growers, Pot Houses, Pot clubs and Pot Cafes, etc. in El Paso County.

NO on COUNTY QUESTION 1B expanding current term limit to another term.

NO on COUNTY QUESTION 1C expanding current term limit by another term

NO on COUNTY QUESTION 1D expanding the current term limit by one more term.

YES on CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS QUESTION 2B to retain money the City OVERCHARGED US last year. This will be used for Roads and Bridges if not sucked up by corruption and mismanagement.

NO, NO, NO on CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS QUESTION 300 to empower the Governor with much more power and authority. While a "Strong Mayor Model" is needed for our city this particular proposal is a mess. In this proposal though the Mayor will need to pay for a "city manager" by a different name, it still does not provide real authority to the Mayor in many key areas (namely NOT being over the biggest two budget items totalling over 50% of the budget; Hospitals and Utilities), and is advocated by the front-runner for Mayor which is suspiciously self-serving. This is NOT a true STRONG MAYOR MODEL even though they are calling it so. I say "Go back to the drawing board and bring us a well thought through "Strong Mayor" proposal and we'll consider it."-source City Councilman, Darryl Glenn.

I hope this helps provoke thought and serves to help you make a better decision on all your choices. *Vote your own conscience. If you disagree with my opinions I understand completely. Just do your own homework, as I have done, and make good, sound, wise and Godly choices.


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