
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Forwarded from friend-Rasmussen and Maes



I am forwarding this from a friend of mine. Positive movement in the Maes camp. This may break the momentum the third party has been building.



Subject: Maes comes back in Rasmussen today


        Just wanted to pass on the Rasmussen today has Dan at 21 and Tanc at 24%. Hick comes in a 46%.
This is a good increase from the 14% that was going around. Keep plugging away and pounding the message that
Dan is the GOP winner, ACP being a major party will split the vote killing the GOP for years to come and that
Dan represents the Peoples right to the process over the political ruling class.
        The GOP rank and file will pull the lever for the R as the news is better for Dan with the KBI issue cleared up
and people start connecting the Dots on Tom.
        I feel better about the world today.



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