
Friday, October 22, 2010

RE: Letter to all GOP elected officials on TTs ad

I agree with your observations.
Chuck Zeitvogel

Subject: FW: Letter to all GOP elected officials on TTs ad
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2010 21:54:03 -0600

The American Café,


I understand that today another round of attacks ads from Tancredo on Dan Maes came out. These ads sink to a new low, even for Tom.


If you are like me you wonder why Tancredo doesn't campaign against Hickenlooper. His message seems to be "Vote for me Colorado because I am not Hickenlooper."  Quite a compelling message. But first he must annihilate Dan Maes, or shall I say assassinate Dan.


I have said before that I cannot vote for such a reprehensible man as Tom Tancredo. I now declare that I will not be voting for ANY REPUBLICAN who has thrown in with such a candidate. Tom is demonstrating that he is of LOWER character than Hickenlooper. For elected Republican officials to violate the by-laws and endorse outside the party, and then have that endorsement be for such a low-life as Tom Tancredo is demonstrating himself to be is reprehensible! I am ashamed of Bob Balink, Larry Liston, Kent Lambert and a dozen other visible and influential elected Republican officials for their behavior. They have sold their souls for 30 pieces of silver.


Peter T. Robberson



From: don rodgers []
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 8:13 PM
To: don rodgers
Subject: Letter to all GOP elected officials on TTs ad


    I am sorry for loading up e-mails, but this I wanted to gt out to you. Today, TT has starting airing radio ads that are way beyond the pale. Even the Denvor Post refers to i as "brutal". I see it as an attack on Dan's family and of a nature one would expect from George Soros or SEIU. I sent the letter below to every GOP elected officl in the stateHouse and Senate. If you have not heard this vile attack, you can hear and read he transcripts on TTs website under radio ads. This one i titled Maes is Bancrupt. While I usually only suggest action on things, this time I am encoraging you to stand up and ask the GOP if this is what they have become. Pass it to anyone you know who demands intergrity in our elected officials and in the Party.



Normally, I start letters to elected officials with a proper "The Honorable", but today I am not sure that applies. I have heard many campaign ads from the Democrats' this season attacking GOP candidates, but their ads are only lying about policies. Today's radio ad from Tom Tancredo against Dan Maes crosses so many lines of decency that I am asking you now is this what the GOP has become? Is this what you endorse? The ad says Dan shook down an "old lady for mortgage money" and he "ripped off" his supporters by "swiping" campaign funds. Really? These are crimes, if this is what the GOP says is happening demand an arrest; or is it just the "seriousness of the charge" that really matters.

The worst is the ad says, "a life built on lies always catches up to you". Really? This is the what we stand for? Personal attacks on a man and his family? Prove this. This is what you associate your credibility and personal integrity on? The Party tolerates this on one of its own? Where are the vile and viscous personal attacks on Hickenlooper? Or is that out of line?

This whole affair has been handled in a disgraceful and sickening way since the end of the primary. This latest abomination reflects poorly on the Party, every one that is associated with it and Colorado. Any elected official that finds this acceptable deserves much closer scrutiny by all. The ads ends "if integrity matters…." It seems there is little integrity left from those so desperate for a win they resort to this new low. If there is any left in the GOP, this type campaigning must be addressed and denounced. I'd expect it from George Soros, but I'm sickened it is from a Party so many of us have worked so hard for and one that claims to be one of principle.
Don Rodgers
GOP Precinct Leader, El Paso County 186
9-12 Project Colorado Organizer
2011 9-12 Legislative Team Member

9-12 Colorado District 5, Pikes Peak Patriots
twitter: 912PPP_don

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