
Monday, October 18, 2010

Open Letter to Tom Tancredo on Why I Cannot Vote For Him:

(to a friend of mine who asked if the polls had changed my mind on Dan Maes),

I will be voting for the Grassroots Candidate, Dan Maes or I may not even vote for Governor this year at all. I am considering NOT voting for any Republican who has supported Tancredo over the grassroot's victor, Dan Maes, but will weigh each individually.

My perspective, and the perspective of the entire rebellion against the ruling elites within the party, is that we have two battles. The first battle is for the Party; The John McCains and Bushes and so on have abandoned the values of Constitutionally limited Government, the freedom and liberty of the individual and the manifestation of that in the Free Market. The Second battle is against the Progressives on the Left.

We have voted for the lesser of two evils at elections for years now but the point of the tea parties, the 9-12 groups, the Liberty Groups and all the uprising and empowerment of hundreds of existing specific-interest groups is that we are not going to keep doing it.

Tom voted for TARP I, spoke of bombing Mecca, has radical views on immigration wayyyy outside the mainstream and radical views wayyyyy outside the mainstream on legalization of drug use. He was unstable in the military to the point of being discharged, has a wide reputation for unpredictable and erratic behavior and does not begin to have the interest of the mainstream constitution-loving citizens in mind. He lied to the grassroots first about his perspective on third parties. He lied when he said he’d drop out if McInnis or Maes dropped out but then said he’ll stay in regardless. He said of Bernie Madoff that he thought we should have a lottery where the winners would each get to beat him up with a baseball bat. The tales of his million dollar income-producing fund out of Boulder are beginning to come out and they are the same old corruption we have come to expect of politicians. He has savaged Dan and his family from the beginning and is a reprehensible man. He has become an expert in pedalling lies and distortions to the sheep in Colorado at the expense of a good, moral, decent man, Dan Maes. I also expect more revelations about his connections with Muhammed Ali Hasan’s father and their political influence (keep your eye on this one…)

It is said by some insiders that if he wins the Governor's seat his first order of business will be to switch parties to become a Republican again. If you are from his third party you will now have been used, lied to, tricked and deceived.

All told, to me that is scummy, low, dishonest, corrupt, manipulating and opportunistic behavior demonstrating such poor character that I cannot in good conscience ever place my vote for Tom.

As for the polls: Dan would have been in the same shape now that Tom is in if Tom had not been the usurper he has been. Heck, you or I could have beaten the Democrat because the national mood is so against the Democrats right now.

However I do not think that Tom will win. I hope he will not. I hate for him or the Party traitors to reap any reward for their horrific behavior. The Party suspended/refused to enforce rules to allow elected officials to endorse/support a non-Republican candidate openly. If he does win he just may be better than a Democrat but only because Tom’s corrupt behavior is different than the ideologically messed up behavior of his Democrat opponent. If Tancredo does win it will be without my vote.

Virtually every single one of the McInnis supporters came right over to Tom, even though they are supposedly not similar; supposedly Scott was a RINO and Tom is an odd, loose-canon, libertarian-type guy. It does not make sense that the supporters of one would come over and support the other…unless Tom is NOT who people think he is. That is what I believe about Tom…that he is not what people think he is. *I believe that in the same way that America voted for Obama without knowing him-just to NOT have a Republican, Coloradoans are doing the exact thing again-just to NOT have a Democrat. That is bad judgment in my view. His supporters like to say “Party over Principle” but I am not voting for a party. I will vote for principle. I will not abandon the candidate that we worked for and supported from the beginning, any more than I would abandon you if you were running.

I guess we’ll see how it all shakes out.

If Tom does win, and I don’t think he will, but if he does it will be a massive repudiation of the Liberty Movement here in Colorado. It will be a reassertion of the immovable power structure of the Republican Ruling Class that wasn’t about to let the little people who elected a no-name candidate, Dan Maes, beat them…no way…no how. It will be a repudiation of all the Liberty Movement has supposedly stood for since the beginning. The sheep within the Liberty Movement have lost their way but I am not a dupe or a stooge and I will not be made to go back into submission to the Nation Destroyers within either Party. Tom's character and oddities (thought to be representative of Republicans) will make Colorado will remember why they quit voting Republican and result in voting Democrat solidly for another 10 years.

Long answer to your question. The Democrat is worse than the Republican, but IF the third party (backed by the Ruling Class Republicans, the deceived grassrooters who have lost their way, and eventually by the "practical Republicans") wins the end result will be rendering the greatest social-political movement in our nation’s history, the Liberty Movement, emasculated (at least in Colorado and for this cycle). Mark my words: THIS IS WHAT THE ELITE RULING CLASS WITHIN OUR PARTY HAVE AS THEIR GOAL...unbelievably many of the tea partiers are cooperating with them in their own short-sightedness...and then back to Business as Usual for the Republican Party in Colorado.

Hope this helps.


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