
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Forwarded by Pete...


October 01, 2010
Tom Tancredo Lies. Republicans and Conservatives Suffer.
Tancredo's commercials claim Dan Maes is a con man, and that he swindled an 83 year old woman. These are lies unbecoming Tancredo, a generally honorable man, who now stoops to the tactics of the far left, character assassination and ad homonym attacks.
Lies from Tancredo & PoundstoneBy John Gaudio,

Tom Tancredo is lying. Pure and simple. He knows he's lying, but seems to think its ok because, in his mind, the end justifies the means. Sounds like a far left liberal attitude to me. Ignore the facts, resort to ad homonym attacks, and assassinate the character of Dan Maes, our duly elected Republican candidate for governor. Freda Poundstone is not some ignorant little old lady. She's a former mayor, the force behind the Poundstone amendment, and a long time member of the Republican elite. She chose to support Dan Maes, and she willingly gave Dan a $300.00 contribution. Then she changed her mind. Now she supports Tom Tancredo. Hell hath no fury, ...

Every time you see one of Tancredo's misleading commercials, think of the trouble he's going to, to keep our citizen candidate, Dan Maes, from winning this race. Let the money Tom spends maligning this good man, remind you of the quality of Dan Maes, and drive you to vote against the liberal policies of John Hickenlooper, and the liberal tactics of Tom Tancredo. Let Tom's commercials remind you that Dan Maes is our Republican gubernatorial candidate, and that he deserves our support.

Tom chose not to run for governor, until he realized that the handpicked Republican establishment candidate, Scott McInnis, wasn't going to make it. Tom then threatened to split the vote, making it almost impossible for John Hickenlooper to lose, unless both Maes and McInnis agreed to get out. Neither agreed, so Tom found a party with "ballot access" and convinced the six people who control that party, that they should abandon the candidates it had chosen, and give Tom Tancredo that "ballot access" he so desperately wanted.

Tancredo came in as a spoiler, having no real chance of victory unless his bullying tactics convinced Dan Maes that he too should abandon the Republican Party, including the nearly 200,000 of us who voted for him in the primary, by dropping out of the race. I don't believe Dan Maes will do that. Further, I don't believe Dan Maes should do that. It would be the equivalent of rewarding a spoiled child who threw a temper tantrum when he didn't get his way. It would send a message, not only to all Republicans, but to all voters, that their primary votes do not count. The elite know best, and will manipulate the system to put one of their own into power, should a true citizen candidate have the audacity to actually win the primary.

I am thoroughly disgusted with the current actions of Tom Tancredo, and those members of our Republican elite, that are stooping to unfounded ad homonym attacks on Republican gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes. They should be ashamed of themselves. They are tearing apart the Republican Party, and the consequences of their betrayal will go far beyond this one election.

I would have supported Tom Tancredo for governor of Colorado, had he run as a Republican. I would not now vote for him for any office, until and unless he sincerely apologies to Dan Maes, and the rest of the Republicans in this state. What he is doing is unconscionable.

Our choice for Colorado governor is a simple one.

John Hickenlooper, a Liberal Democrat, the Mayor of a liberal sanctuary city, and a strong supporter of the policies of Barack Obama.

Tom Tancredo, a minor party candidate who manipulated the system to get ballot access, betrayed the Republican Party, betrayed Republican voters, betrayed our Republican Candidate, and is resorting to far left tactics including character assassination and name calling.

or Dan Maes, the citizen candidate for governor who legitimately won both the Republican Assembly, and the Republican Primary, the only person in this race who is not a professional politician, a small to medium businessman who can bring common sense, frugality, and honor, to the office of the Governor of Colorado.

Polls have consistently shown more support for the two conservative candidates than for John Hickenlooper, so if Hickenlooper wins, the credit/blame will fall squarely at the feet of Tom Tancredo, the former Republican who tried to bully Dan Maes into abandoning those who chose him.

Please do what's right. Please vote for the only conservative Republican who has earned the right to be our Republican gubernatorial candidate. Dan Maes.

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