
Friday, October 1, 2010

Should Tom Tancredo Get a Free Pass from the Tea Partiers?

Should Tancredo get a free pass from the tea party?
Last Updated on Thursday, 5 August 2010 03:43
Written by Derek Maness Thursday, 5 August 2010 03:43

Lesley Hollywood has an excellent analysis of Tancredo today on her Facebook page:

Should the Tea Party give Tom Tancredo a “Free Pass”?
After being lured into a conversation about the Tea Party becoming the very thing we are fighting against because we will not promote Tom Tancredo for Governor, I felt compelled to share my response:
Colorado’s Tea Party and 912 organizations consist of thousands of individuals who support free enterprise, limited government, and fiscal responsibility according to Constitutional principles. Each of these individuals has the ability to vote for whomever they choose. What the Tea Party does do is vett candidates, examine records, and put the truth on the table. They have done that with Dan Maes, Scott McInnis, Ken Buck, Jane Norton, etc….and now it’s Tom Tancredo’s turn.
When you examine Tom’s record you find:
He voted in favor of TARP (twice, as it failed once before it was passed):
He promised to vote NO on the auto bailouts after he supported similar legislation, but during his vote, he chose to not vote at all instead of standing up to the radical corporatism being forced down the throat of America: and
In 2008 alone, Tom supported $17,558,700.00 in earmark spending
Tom supported the Consumer Energy Supply Act of 2008 – as the only Colorado Republican voting lock-step with every Colorado Democrat: This act was referred to as an “anti-energy bill that will only add to already-high energy costs….” by the Heritage Foundation:
Tom supported making the Patriot Act permanent:
He supports implementing a moritorium on LEGAL immigration to allow Americans the right to a job and high wages (which in no way aligns with free enterprise, one of the Tea Party’s core principles): and then denied it:
And this is only a small dent into 2008…he also broke his promise of term limits and has been cited supporting a National ID card. Links on the way….
So my question is this: Why should the Tea Party support Tom Tancredo? Should we not just do as we have done with all the other candidates, which is lay the facts on the table and let the voters decide for themselves? If the Tea Party does not do this simply because Tom Tancredo is Tom Tancredo, haven’t we become the very thing we set out to fight against?"

-Guys this is from an older post by Derek Maness .He has gotten a free pass since then anyway but you still need to be informed-Pete. Also I believe Leslie Hollywood has since abandoned her position and thrown in with Tancredo.

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