
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Colorado Springs, CO Activist Training


Peter Robberson
7:34pm May 29th
Colorado Springs, CO Activist Training
Please come on out to our Activist Training in Colorado Springs. The first time I attended I was blown away at our potential, unrealized influence.

Peter has shared a link with you. To view it or to reply to the message, follow this link:! American Cafe this is a meaningful way to speak every week!

The American Café,

Guys I don’t know if you heard about I have attached the PJTV video for you to view. It introduces the program which has been running just a couple weeks now. Its traffic seems to be doubling every week so this may become the Juggernaut Voice for everyday folks to speak directly into Washington.

Congressman Cantor calls for a vote each week on the House Floor in Washington, DC on the most popular Program Cut as a direct result of your vote on

This idea is powerful and may become the muscle that (those who will listen, ie. Conservatives) re-connects our legislators with the grassroots. Remember something about Washington makes them disconnect with their constituents almost immediately upon arrival.

This pushes back! Hope you like it.


Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café

Friday, May 28, 2010

Crapping on the Military. They Have No Conscience!

War and PC-Family Research Council

Four days before Memorial Day and after ignoring requests from the top military brass and a host of veteran groups, Sixteen U.S. Senators on the Senate Armed Service Committee and 234 Members of the House of Representatives decided furthering a radical political agenda was more important than honoring the wishes and sacrifices of our troops. Too add insult to injury the Senate Committee also added a provision that would allow for taxpayer funding of abortions on military bases. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said of the vote, "Passing this amendment... respects the timeline of the Defense Department study." Nothing could be further from the truth. Their actions take a piece of legisl! ation that is supposed to ensure our nation's fighting men and women are well prepared and equipped and turns it into an anti-military vehicle for dangerous political correctness. The two chambers of Congress last night set into motion a process that will repeal the "Don't ask Don't tell" policy with no regard for how this will affect military readiness, unit cohesion, good order and discipline. This decision to use the military to advance this Administration's radical social agenda will demoralize an already stressed military. Congress also ignored the possible impact on recruiting. This week at an FRC news conference, Lt. Gen. Jan Huly (USMC-Ret) pointed out that our military is not an all volunteer force, it is an all recruited force. The difference between the two is significant. There are reasons that young men and women are attracted to the military and it is unlikely that advancing political correctness is among them. If recruitment suffers, look for Cong! ress to find another solution--like the draft. The bottom line is that Americans should be outraged over the actions of this Congress. Our armed forces are respected and honored for laying down their lives for God and Country, last night 250 Members of Congress disrespected all three.

More Efforts to Silence Conservative Talk Radio

From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President, Media Research Center



Click here to join the
Free Speech Alliance

Late last week, Rush Limbaugh alerted his millions of listeners to a story covered by our NewsBusters site - the Free Speech Gestapo are boldly moving forward once again to silence conservative talk radio, and they will say or do whatever it takes to get it done! Click here to hear what Rush had to say.

A new "community group" -- Citizens for Civility & Accountability in Media (CCAM) is taking aim at Fresno, California radio station KMJ for having the nerve to carry conservative talk shows on their two stations.

According to CCAM, conservative talk radio is "hate speech" that incites violence. They believe that conservative radio hosts "(have) been, and can be again, a contributor to actual acts of violence perpetrated by people urged on to extremism by the kind of programming that monopolizes KMJ's prime-time broadcast."

Of course there is ZERO evidence for these accusations, but remember who we are dealing with -- liberals who never let facts get in the way of their ideology. (Just look at what's happening in Arizona: President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano have made numerous negative public comments about Arizona's new immigration law before even taking the time to read it!)

This is precisely how the liberal elite and the media operate.

And now, with their radical agenda in danger, they understand that to maintain power, they must silence opposing points of view!

CCAM says KMJ has "a responsibility larger than making a profit. They have the civic responsibility -- at the very least -- to not do damage to the society that they are a part of, to promote the idea of truthful information, respectful debate, and lawful dissent."

The folks at CCAM must be big fans of FCC diversity czar Mark Lloyd. Lloyd wrote in 2007 that liberal activists should harass conservative stations by filing complaints with the FCC, which could lead to fines and even the taking away of their broadcast licenses.

It is clear that the Left are on a search and destroy mission to rid America of conservative points of view. And if nothing is done, they will succeed ... one step at a time.

(You'll recall that just last week, we learned that President Obama's Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan believes that "If there is an 'overabundance' of an idea in the absence of direct governmental action - which there well might be when compared with some ideal state of public debate - then action disfavoring that idea might 'un-skew', rather than skew, public discourse." In other words, it's the government's job to "redistribute speech.")

+ + Conservative Principles = "Hate" Speech

Peter, make no mistake, the actions of CCAM are just the tip of the iceberg. Liberal media voices, lawmakers, judges, and radical organizations on the Left are all coming after us -- intent on attacking and ultimately silencing conservative voices.

Now, organizations like CCAM will insist that their efforts to censor conservatives are good for society and will not alter the content of these stations. But it will have a drastic impact -- and that's exactly what the Left wants ... IF we allow it to happen!

Peter, as you already know, the MRC is taking strong action against the leftist assault of our First Amendment Rights through a variety of initiatives including our Free Speech petition that you have already signed. But there are tens of millions of citizens who aren't yet involved, and we need your help to mobilize them!

Forward this message to 30-40 friends today urging them to make a First Amendment stand with you by clicking here and signing our Free Speech Alliance petition.

We need your help to proactively spread the word and draw attention to this threat before us as we continue building a strong, proactive coalition of grassroots conservatives to defend our rights and our way of life from government intrusion.

We appreciate your continued support of MRC initiatives on the critical issue of Free Speech.


P.S. The marked increase in Leftist assaults against conservatives, the Tea-Party movement, and Christians is not coincidence! The Left and their attack dogs in the liberal media have an agenda, and you and I are all that stand in their way!

We cannot allow them to demonize and silence us. Help the MRC expose and neutralize these stepped up assaults by clicking here and making your best tax-deductible gift right now. With your help, we can expand our efforts and confront EACH of these attacks - neutralizing them with the truth and ultimately thwarting the Left's plan to muzzle conservatives!

The Progressives Surge in the Unmaking of our Country...

The American Majority,

Here is the Alert from focus calling the troops to Action. The leadership in Washington has threatened to not let anyone go home to their Memorial Day Weekend until they get this passed. This will be another Saturday night vote it seems…


From: Focus on the Family Action []
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 5:11 AM
Subject: Votes could alter our military and our families


A few weeks ago, I shared with you about the move in Congress to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) and the underlying law that prevents homosexuals from serving in our military -- another effort to equate same-sex relationships with marriage while putting our nation's armed services at the mercy of a politically correct agenda.

At that time, we were expecting a vote on a repeal of DADT to come before November. But in the last few days that time table has been greatly accelerated. In fact, as I write, Congress is preparing for two crucial votes to repeal DADT before the end of this week - thanks to a backroom deal struck by gay activists, President Obama and House Speaker Pelosi to pass the bill long before the Department of Defense study is complete at the end of the year.

How a Repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Impacts the Military and Religious Liberty
As you may know, DADT refers to a federal policy that allows gays and lesbians to serve in the military as long as they do not reveal their sexual orientation. Underlying that policy, however, is a federal law that states homosexuality is incompatible with military service. Repealing DADT or the underlying law would have broad, and potentially dangerous, implications for those in the armed services. These dangers include:

  • Disrupting the status quo of a military that is already burdened with fighting dual wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, with no evidence that repealing DADT would help, and not harm, troop readiness.
  • Squelching the religious liberty rights of military chaplains and service men and women to speak about God's design for sexuality by putting military policy directly in conflict with the belief held by many religious faiths that homosexual behavior is immoral.
  • Forcing soldiers to share close quarters with people of the same sex who might be sexually attracted to them creates a fighting force weighed down and potentially compromised by an ever-present cloud of increased sexual tensions.

Your Voice is Needed on This Crucial Issue
Focus Action has launched a targeted phone calling campaign to encourage pro-family citizens to contact key members of Congress and ask them to vote against the repeal of DADT or the federal law prohibiting homosexuals from serving in the armed forces. I want to support this effort with tens of thousands of phone calls from friends of Focus Action across the country.

Please take a moment right now to call your two senators and representative today and ask them to vote "No" on any legislative or procedural move to repeal the law on homosexuals in the military.

Here is their contact information:

Rep. Doug Lamborn 202-225-4422
Sen. Mark Udall 202-224-5941
Sen. Ken Salazar 202-224-5852

(For additional contact information for your legislators, go here.)

Talking Points:

1. I am a resident of Colorado and I oppose the current effort to repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

2. Please vote "No" on any legislative or procedural move to repeal the law on homosexuals in the military.

3. The current policy is working and has kept the issue of sexual orientation from distracting the mission of our military forces, as well as protected the religious liberty rights of military chaplains and servicemen and women to share their beliefs about God's design for human sexuality.

Thank you for the active role you are taking in preserving our nation's moral foundation, and for your continued prayers. These are challenging times, but I am greatly encouraged by the millions of faithful citizens like you who are making their voices heard in support of the family and our religious liberties.

For faith and family,

Tom Minnery
Senior Vice President, Government & Public Policy

P.S. Please forward this message to your friends so they can make their voices heard before the two key votes take place this week and be sure to visit for more on this and other issues.

American Cafe-Susan B. Anthony Feminism



The American Café,


This is what I was saying last night. Susan B. Anthony is pulling for Jane Norton here in Colorado, not because she is a better candidate than the Grassroots Candidate, Ken Buck but because she is a pro-life woman. In California the Susan B. Anthony List is pulling for the Uber-RINO, Carly Fiorina even though the Pro-Life Grassroots (Conservative) Candidate is Chuck DeVore.


I’m not suggesting that SBA is bad or anything like that but it is important for us to understand the political landscape we are operating in. SBA does GREAT work advocating for the Unborn but they are not conservative necessarily on the other dozens of fronts and are NOT in tune with the “Grassroots vs. Establishment Republican” battle we find ourselves in. They don’t claim to be.


Just wanted you to know…


Thanks you guys!


Peter and Adrienne Robberson

The American Café


From: Emily Buchanan, SBA List []
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2010 11:42 AM
To: Peter Robberson
Subject: Was Susan B. Anthony Really Pro-Life?


Dear Peter,

Was Susan B. Anthony, the namesake of our organization, really pro-life?  See Marjorie's answer in The Washington Post below.

But first, I wanted to make sure you had an opportunity to check out some great earned media the Susan B. Anthony List has received recently, so you know what we're doing to ensure pro-life victories in November's mid-term elections.

Sarah Palin created quite the national buzz when she headlined our Susan B. Anthony List Celebration for Life Breakfast on May 14th. You can watch a video of the entire breakfast here or just watch a short 30-second clip here. National media coverage --including the Washington Post, Fox News, Politico, and CNN-- centered around a great punch line by Palin: "You don't want to mess with moms who are rising up. If you thought pit bulls were tough, you don't want to mess with mama grizzlies." Her emotional testimony of learning that baby Trig had Down Syndrome was featured by CBS News.

Our big victory in defeating 28-year incumbent Congressman Alan Mollohan of West Virginia, a once-pro-life Democrat who caved and supported ObamaCare, made headlines in the Washington Examiner, which credited our television ad for his defeat. Our role in Mollohan's defeat was also covered by The Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, Weekly Standard, Politico, Washington Times, and the National Journal, in a story aptly titled, "Gee, Maybe Pro-Life Democrats Shouldn’t Have Voted for Obamacare After All."

Our efforts to elect pro-life women to Congress this November were also recently featured on the Rush Limbaugh Show in an interview with Marjorie. And, our campaign to help Carly Fiorina win the hotly-contested California Republican primary where she will face an avid pro-abortion Republican, Tom Campbell, generated considerable local media coverage, including the San Francisco Chronicle, Fresno Bee, San Diego Union Tribune, San Jose Mercury News, and the Modesto Bee. Should Fiorina defeat Campbell in the primary, she'll go on to face EMILY List's poster child, Senator Barbara Boxer in the critical general election.

Additionally, our efforts to defeat Senator Harry Reid by endorsing Sue Lowden in the Nevada Republican primary were highlighted by CNN, the Las Vegas Review-Journal, and several local outlets.

And finally, we'll end with Marjorie's answer to the question of whether Susan B. Anthony was Pro-Life which was featured in the Washington Post.

Susan B. Anthony: Pro-life feminist

By Marjorie Dannenfelser
president, Susan B. Anthony List

Two Susan B. Anthony scholars, Ann Gordon and Lynn Sherr, think they've struck at the heart of the pro-life argument: the Susan B. Anthony List's ignorance of who its namesake actually was. Citing a lack of documentation of the suffragists' stance on abortion, the authors concluded that Anthony was, "instead," pro-women's rights - in the Hillary Clinton-era sense of the term - or, at best, that abortion was nowhere on her radar.

The argument is unfounded on many levels, but foremost, on the credibility issue.

Susan B. Anthony was passionate and logical in her arguments against abortion. The Revolution was her brainchild, co-founded with Elizabeth Cady Stanton as a weekly women's rights newspaper that acted as the official voice of the National Woman Suffrage Association and in which appeared many of her writings alongside those of her like-minded colleagues. Most logical people would agree, then, that writings signed by "A" in a paper that Anthony funded and published were a reflection of her own opinions.

In one house editorial, signed "A", she wrote: "Guilty? Yes. No matter what the motive, love of ease, or a desire to save from suffering the unborn innocent, the woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed. It will burden her conscience in life, it will burden her soul in death; but oh, thrice guilty is he who... drove her to the desperation which impelled her to the crime!" [The Revolution, 4(1):4 July 8, 1869]

Further, as one becomes familiar with Anthony's compatriots and their thoughts on the issue, it is clear and consistent that these early women leaders did not believe abortion was a good thing for women.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton lamented, "When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit." [Letter to Julia Ward Howe, October 16, 1873]

In Anthony's The Revolution, Stanton referred to abortion as "infanticide." [1(5):1, February 5, 1868]

Victoria Woodhull, the first female presidential candidate, told a newspaper of the day that "Every woman knows that if she were free, she would never bear an unwished-for child, nor think of murdering one before its birth." [Wheeling, West Virginia Evening Standard, November 17, 1875]

Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, the first female physician, recorded in her diary her thoughts about Madame Restell, an early New York abortionist. She said, "The gross perversion and destruction of motherhood by the abortionist filled me with indignation, and awakened active antagonism. That the honorable term 'female physician' should be exclusively applied to those women who carried on this shocking trade seemed to me a horror. It was an utter degradation of what might and should become a noble position for women." [1845]

All of this went on-record at a time when abortion wasn't even a hot political issue of the day. Even those doctors practicing abortion had to disguise what they advertised as a service to restore a woman's regular menstrual cycle. Abortion simply wasn't up for debate at a time when society itself was firmly against the practice.

So, while the Life cause isn't the issue that earned Susan B. Anthony her stripes in American history books, historians would be wrong to conclude that Anthony was agnostic on the issue of abortion.

Anthony understood that fighting for women included the rights of her unborn child.

Over time, "feminism" became the label adopted by activists preaching that women's rights and abortion rights were somehow one and the same. For years, too many feminists have told women facing a crisis pregnancy the only way to continue a successful life is to have an abortion.

But recently, there has been a shift back to the traditional roots of a Susan B. Anthony feminism that empowers women through their strength to give life even in the most difficult and unexpected circumstances. In recent Gallup polling, more and more women self-label themselves "pro-life" over "pro-choice." More and more pro-life women run for public office.

Many conservative commentators have hailed this "new feminism," the rising majority of women who reject the radical feminism of the 1960's and use traditionally "feminist" issues, such as abortion, to herald in a new era of women's rights. This new wave of excitement is poised to elect true pro-life women to Congress, and the Susan B. Anthony List is looking forward to November to usher in these leaders who understand that the rights of one are not built on the broken backs of another.

And, in case there's still lingering doubt about where Susan B. Anthony's convictions lie, her words to Frances Willard in 1889 speak for themselves: "Sweeter even than to have had the joy of children of my own has it been for me to help bring about a better state of things for mothers generally, so that their unborn little ones could not be willed away from them."

Marjorie Dannenfelser is president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a nationwide organization dedicated to advancing, mobilizing and representing pro-life women in the political process.

For Life,


Emily Buchanan

Executive Director, Susan B. Anthony List

1800 North Kent Street, Suite 1070, Arlington, VA 22209 (703) 875-3370
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