
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Very Interesting Article about Homosexuality and Women

Homosexuality in Women: It's Nurture, Not Nature-Family Reseasrch Council,
Original research conducted by FRC has just driven another nail in the coffin of the "gay gene" myth. Homosexual activists want to win the affirmation and celebration of homosexual relationships as a matter of "civil rights." That campaign rests largely on an effort to persuade people that homosexuality is fixed at birth by genetic or biological factors, rather than influenced by social and environmental ones. But the latest edition of Mapping America, the flagship publication of FRC 's Marriage and Religion Research Institute (MARRI), has proven that family structure in childhood has a huge influence on the likelihood of women to engage in homosexual conduct as adults.

Drawing on data from the National Survey of Family Growth, FRC's Patrick Fagan, Ph.D., working with D. Paul Sullins, Ph.D., found that women who grew up with their married, biological mother and father were the least likely to have had a same-sex sexual partner in the previous year. Women who did not grow up with both biological parents were anywhere from 50% to 240% more likely to have had a homosexual partner. The study also looked at the correlation between homosexual conduct and religious attendance. Overall, it found that women from non-intact families who never attend worship are four and a half times more likely to have homosexual relations than women from intact families who worship weekly. It's clear that nurture, not nature, plays the principal role in determining which women pursue homosexual relationships.

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