
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Denver Post Party Summit is Underway!


We are here in Denver attending American Majority's PPS. Friday night Ned Ryan and his brother Drew Ryan spoke. The keynote Speaker was Erick Erickson of, a conservative, daily blog with millions of readers.

Because we are co-sponsoring the event we set up a table introducing The American Cafe. We were one of only 4 tables and ours was next to the main entrance into the Ballroom so we had amazing exposure. We had our flag pens out and our flyers that invited and introduced our home prayer and action group concept. We also gave out hundreds of Pocket Constitutions, (One Only Please).

Adrienne and the kids came up to set up and man the table. I ushered the kids to another part of the Hotel where they played quietly in the fountain and enjoyed the Happy Hour:) They stayed with us through the dinner and then headed home. Richard Randall MCed the event and Lana from The Constitutionalist Today and Ken Buck, candidate for Senator was also present though he did not speak.

Now it is Saturday morning and the training and workshops will begin in a short while. It is not too late to participate. Come today to learn not just the critical nature of the times we are in politically but what to do about it practically. From running for office to fundraising to getting out the vote to using Facebook and Twitter to increase your voice we will learn it all!

The media is already attacking these Regional Summits so we are hitting the target. Come.

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