
Friday, May 14, 2010

Homeland Security Takes Credit for LUCK!

By The Heritage Foundation
In the wake of the Times Square bombing attempt, the Obama administration is patting itself on the back for thwarting the attack. But it’s taking credit for luck. It was an alert street vendor that noticed the bomb after it was ignited. “The biggest reason the attack failed is that the suspect was an incompetent bomb maker,” writes Heritage vice president Kim Holmes. Though the authorities did a good job tracking down the bomber as he fled the country, “it would have been far better to ‘unravel’ the plot before the bomb was parked in Times Square.”

Holmes argues that while the Department of Homeland Security can’t take credit for this failed attempt, it can accept credit for achievements in the war on terrorism overseas, which have forced weakened terrorist networks to pursue smaller-scale operations. DHS should continue to place pressure on these overseas networks. “Lesser vigilance will lead only to more -- and more successful -- attacks.”

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