
Friday, May 28, 2010

Crapping on the Military. They Have No Conscience!

War and PC-Family Research Council

Four days before Memorial Day and after ignoring requests from the top military brass and a host of veteran groups, Sixteen U.S. Senators on the Senate Armed Service Committee and 234 Members of the House of Representatives decided furthering a radical political agenda was more important than honoring the wishes and sacrifices of our troops. Too add insult to injury the Senate Committee also added a provision that would allow for taxpayer funding of abortions on military bases. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said of the vote, "Passing this amendment... respects the timeline of the Defense Department study." Nothing could be further from the truth. Their actions take a piece of legisl! ation that is supposed to ensure our nation's fighting men and women are well prepared and equipped and turns it into an anti-military vehicle for dangerous political correctness. The two chambers of Congress last night set into motion a process that will repeal the "Don't ask Don't tell" policy with no regard for how this will affect military readiness, unit cohesion, good order and discipline. This decision to use the military to advance this Administration's radical social agenda will demoralize an already stressed military. Congress also ignored the possible impact on recruiting. This week at an FRC news conference, Lt. Gen. Jan Huly (USMC-Ret) pointed out that our military is not an all volunteer force, it is an all recruited force. The difference between the two is significant. There are reasons that young men and women are attracted to the military and it is unlikely that advancing political correctness is among them. If recruitment suffers, look for Cong! ress to find another solution--like the draft. The bottom line is that Americans should be outraged over the actions of this Congress. Our armed forces are respected and honored for laying down their lives for God and Country, last night 250 Members of Congress disrespected all three.

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