
Friday, May 28, 2010

The Progressives Surge in the Unmaking of our Country...

The American Majority,

Here is the Alert from focus calling the troops to Action. The leadership in Washington has threatened to not let anyone go home to their Memorial Day Weekend until they get this passed. This will be another Saturday night vote it seems…


From: Focus on the Family Action []
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 5:11 AM
Subject: Votes could alter our military and our families


A few weeks ago, I shared with you about the move in Congress to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) and the underlying law that prevents homosexuals from serving in our military -- another effort to equate same-sex relationships with marriage while putting our nation's armed services at the mercy of a politically correct agenda.

At that time, we were expecting a vote on a repeal of DADT to come before November. But in the last few days that time table has been greatly accelerated. In fact, as I write, Congress is preparing for two crucial votes to repeal DADT before the end of this week - thanks to a backroom deal struck by gay activists, President Obama and House Speaker Pelosi to pass the bill long before the Department of Defense study is complete at the end of the year.

How a Repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Impacts the Military and Religious Liberty
As you may know, DADT refers to a federal policy that allows gays and lesbians to serve in the military as long as they do not reveal their sexual orientation. Underlying that policy, however, is a federal law that states homosexuality is incompatible with military service. Repealing DADT or the underlying law would have broad, and potentially dangerous, implications for those in the armed services. These dangers include:

  • Disrupting the status quo of a military that is already burdened with fighting dual wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, with no evidence that repealing DADT would help, and not harm, troop readiness.
  • Squelching the religious liberty rights of military chaplains and service men and women to speak about God's design for sexuality by putting military policy directly in conflict with the belief held by many religious faiths that homosexual behavior is immoral.
  • Forcing soldiers to share close quarters with people of the same sex who might be sexually attracted to them creates a fighting force weighed down and potentially compromised by an ever-present cloud of increased sexual tensions.

Your Voice is Needed on This Crucial Issue
Focus Action has launched a targeted phone calling campaign to encourage pro-family citizens to contact key members of Congress and ask them to vote against the repeal of DADT or the federal law prohibiting homosexuals from serving in the armed forces. I want to support this effort with tens of thousands of phone calls from friends of Focus Action across the country.

Please take a moment right now to call your two senators and representative today and ask them to vote "No" on any legislative or procedural move to repeal the law on homosexuals in the military.

Here is their contact information:

Rep. Doug Lamborn 202-225-4422
Sen. Mark Udall 202-224-5941
Sen. Ken Salazar 202-224-5852

(For additional contact information for your legislators, go here.)

Talking Points:

1. I am a resident of Colorado and I oppose the current effort to repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

2. Please vote "No" on any legislative or procedural move to repeal the law on homosexuals in the military.

3. The current policy is working and has kept the issue of sexual orientation from distracting the mission of our military forces, as well as protected the religious liberty rights of military chaplains and servicemen and women to share their beliefs about God's design for human sexuality.

Thank you for the active role you are taking in preserving our nation's moral foundation, and for your continued prayers. These are challenging times, but I am greatly encouraged by the millions of faithful citizens like you who are making their voices heard in support of the family and our religious liberties.

For faith and family,

Tom Minnery
Senior Vice President, Government & Public Policy

P.S. Please forward this message to your friends so they can make their voices heard before the two key votes take place this week and be sure to visit for more on this and other issues.

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