
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Our Whiny President-by Gary Bauer

Our Whiny President

At a fundraising dinner in San Francisco this week, President Obama repeated a line that has become an administration theme recently in its attempts to deflect responsibility and justify its outrageous out-of-control spending. Obama whined, “Now, let’s face it, this has been as tough a year and a half as any year and a half in our history since the 1930s.” Really?

Does Barack Obama think he’s had it harder than FDR during the 1940s, when Pearl Harbor was attacked or when we lost thousands in the great battles of World War II? Does Obama think he’s had it harder than Harry Truman who had to decide to drop the atomic bomb or engage in Korea? Does Obama think he’s had it harder than John F. Kennedy, who starred down the Soviets in the Cuban missile crisis?

Does Obama think he’s had it harder than Ronald Reagan, who had to clean up after Jimmy Carter, and dealt with sky-high interest rates and even higher unemployment rates than today? Does Obama really think he’s had it harder than George W. Bush, whose presidency was transformed by the 9/11 terrorist attacks?

The president does have a point, though. It has been a tough year and a half -- not for him but for millions of Americans who have had to contend with his policies. I’m thinking about the small business owners and entrepreneurs who are watching their taxes go up and can’t run their businesses without consulting thousands of pages of new regulations.

It’s been tough on the border communities who have suffered under an explosion of drug and gang related crime, while Obama ignored their pleas for help. It’s been tough on those who cherish our traditional values, as Obama has undermined marriage and forced us to pay for the destruction of innocent human life. It’s been tough for those who love America to watch as Obama has repeatedly apologized for America, coddled our enemies, offended our allies and worked relentlessly to “fundamentally transform” the nation we love.

It’s been tough, but I have hope. I know there is a vast reservoir of good and decent people in this great country who cherish faith, family and freedom. Working together, I believe we can make America a shining city upon a hill once again. by Gary Bauer, American Values.

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