
Friday, May 14, 2010

Elena Kagan-Anti Life, Anti Marriage, Health Bill, UBER-LIBERAL!

Cloning the Court
"She's a Democrat's Democrat." That's how one Senator described President Obama's latest Supreme Court nominee. Judging by this memo from 1997, Sen. Ted Kaufman (D-Del.) means that Elena Kagan would be rabidly anti-life. In the document, written for President Clinton by Kagan, the former Deputy Assistant for Domestic Policy openly supports human cloning. The memo also urges Clinton to endorse cloning technology for agriculture--a position sure to draw the ire of modern environmental groups.

Apart from her ability to rationalize cloning-to-kill, Kagan also helped keep partial-birth abortion legal longer. Our friends at the National Right to Life Committee posted a memo "advising him to support a phony partial-birth abortion ban that actually prohibited no abortions." As for the President's call for a well-rounded court, "diverse" is just code for liberal. "...[F]or all the blather we hear about 'diversity' from politicians... there's almost no diversity among our political elites," writes Michael Filozof in yesterday's American Thinker. It's a monochromatic Court, replete with non-Protestants, non-veterans, and non-eclectic alma maters. The justices aren't even geographically interesting. New York City is home to 6% of America's population and 40% of the seats on the Supreme Court. Radical? Yes. Outside the mai! nstream? Definitely. But Kagan as diverse? Don't kid yourself!

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