
Friday, May 28, 2010

More Efforts to Silence Conservative Talk Radio

From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President, Media Research Center



Click here to join the
Free Speech Alliance

Late last week, Rush Limbaugh alerted his millions of listeners to a story covered by our NewsBusters site - the Free Speech Gestapo are boldly moving forward once again to silence conservative talk radio, and they will say or do whatever it takes to get it done! Click here to hear what Rush had to say.

A new "community group" -- Citizens for Civility & Accountability in Media (CCAM) is taking aim at Fresno, California radio station KMJ for having the nerve to carry conservative talk shows on their two stations.

According to CCAM, conservative talk radio is "hate speech" that incites violence. They believe that conservative radio hosts "(have) been, and can be again, a contributor to actual acts of violence perpetrated by people urged on to extremism by the kind of programming that monopolizes KMJ's prime-time broadcast."

Of course there is ZERO evidence for these accusations, but remember who we are dealing with -- liberals who never let facts get in the way of their ideology. (Just look at what's happening in Arizona: President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano have made numerous negative public comments about Arizona's new immigration law before even taking the time to read it!)

This is precisely how the liberal elite and the media operate.

And now, with their radical agenda in danger, they understand that to maintain power, they must silence opposing points of view!

CCAM says KMJ has "a responsibility larger than making a profit. They have the civic responsibility -- at the very least -- to not do damage to the society that they are a part of, to promote the idea of truthful information, respectful debate, and lawful dissent."

The folks at CCAM must be big fans of FCC diversity czar Mark Lloyd. Lloyd wrote in 2007 that liberal activists should harass conservative stations by filing complaints with the FCC, which could lead to fines and even the taking away of their broadcast licenses.

It is clear that the Left are on a search and destroy mission to rid America of conservative points of view. And if nothing is done, they will succeed ... one step at a time.

(You'll recall that just last week, we learned that President Obama's Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan believes that "If there is an 'overabundance' of an idea in the absence of direct governmental action - which there well might be when compared with some ideal state of public debate - then action disfavoring that idea might 'un-skew', rather than skew, public discourse." In other words, it's the government's job to "redistribute speech.")

+ + Conservative Principles = "Hate" Speech

Peter, make no mistake, the actions of CCAM are just the tip of the iceberg. Liberal media voices, lawmakers, judges, and radical organizations on the Left are all coming after us -- intent on attacking and ultimately silencing conservative voices.

Now, organizations like CCAM will insist that their efforts to censor conservatives are good for society and will not alter the content of these stations. But it will have a drastic impact -- and that's exactly what the Left wants ... IF we allow it to happen!

Peter, as you already know, the MRC is taking strong action against the leftist assault of our First Amendment Rights through a variety of initiatives including our Free Speech petition that you have already signed. But there are tens of millions of citizens who aren't yet involved, and we need your help to mobilize them!

Forward this message to 30-40 friends today urging them to make a First Amendment stand with you by clicking here and signing our Free Speech Alliance petition.

We need your help to proactively spread the word and draw attention to this threat before us as we continue building a strong, proactive coalition of grassroots conservatives to defend our rights and our way of life from government intrusion.

We appreciate your continued support of MRC initiatives on the critical issue of Free Speech.


P.S. The marked increase in Leftist assaults against conservatives, the Tea-Party movement, and Christians is not coincidence! The Left and their attack dogs in the liberal media have an agenda, and you and I are all that stand in their way!

We cannot allow them to demonize and silence us. Help the MRC expose and neutralize these stepped up assaults by clicking here and making your best tax-deductible gift right now. With your help, we can expand our efforts and confront EACH of these attacks - neutralizing them with the truth and ultimately thwarting the Left's plan to muzzle conservatives!

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