
Saturday, May 8, 2010

The American Cafe

The American Café,


Our back is up against the Wall in Colorado in a dozen ways now. Most Coloradoans have no idea as most people don’t pay any attention to politics other than what they hear about on the Big Networks. As with most things it is easier to fight now then try to un-do it later…


This is your chance to help yourself right here at home.


Please read, pray and act!





You Can Stop ObamaCare and Make Colorado a Health Care Sanctuary – But Time is Short


Colorado is fighting back against ObamaCare at all levels, but YOU must get involved to stop the ObamaCare choke.  Here’s a summary of what’s going on (PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO SECTION C):


A)      Colorado Attorney General John Suthers has joined other Attorneys General across the nation in a lawsuit challenging the Constitutionality of ObamaCare.  AG Suthers is up for re-election in November, and he needs our support and vote.  Because of his involvement in the lawsuit, the left will stop at nothing to turn his seat over to the liberal candidate.  If the left wins the AG seat in November, Colorado will be pulled out of the lawsuit.  It is critical that we stay in the lawsuit against ObamaCare.  To support AG Suthers go to his website at  


B)      Colorado State Senator Kevin Lundberg introduced SJR-1045 to the Senate State Affairs Committee on Thursday May 5th .  This bill is a Tenth Amendment resolution that would have opted Colorado out of Obamacare.  It was struck down by a party line vote, but it is now on the record.  Listen to the audio of the hearing here, you will be proud of those who have stood up to defend our freedoms, and you will learn why it is important to get involved and turn this state back to red in November:  Please send a note of thanks to Senator Lundberg for his efforts at


C)     This is where YOU get involved!  Jon Caldara, President of the Independence Institute based out of Golden, Colorado, has written an initiative for the November 2010 ballot titled “Right to Health Care Choice.” If we the people take ownership of this, successfully put it on the ballot and pass it, we will amend the Colorado Constitution and empower Colorado to exercise its 10th Amendment rights specifically against ObamaCare.

In part, the amendment states: 

“All persons shall have the right of health care choice. No statute, regulation, resolution or policy adopted or enforced by the State of Colorado, its departments and agencies independently or at the instance of the United States shall require any person to participate in any public or private health benefit plan or system, deny, restrict or penalize the right of any person to make or receive direct payments for lawful health benefit services, nor deny, restrict or penalize the right of any person to purchase and use health insurance products or other health benefit plans or systems legal for sale in any other state where such plans or systems are duly licensed or otherwise qualified and in good standing in the provider’s home state.” 

This amendment would free Colorado citizens from ObamaCare’s choking effects and make Colorado a sanctuary state for quality health care. It empowers Coloradans to opt out of the oppressive health insurance mandates contained within ObamaCare, because we would not be forced to participate in any health insurance plan, nor would we be penalized for paying cash for health care.  If Colorado is going to free itself from Obamacare and successfully realize its 10th Amendment rights, every freedom-loving Coloradan must take action now. The initiative must collect 120,000 petition signatures by July 10, 2010. This campaign depends completely on the efforts and resources of Coloradans like you. Take charge and commit to 3 things now:

1) Sign the petition. You must be a Colorado citizen and a registered voter.  I always have a petition with me, as well as several others in our community. 

2) Circulate the petition for signatures. Sign up at

3) Donate to the initiative campaign. Any amount helps win for freedom. It’s easy to donate online at


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