
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

We Renounce the Whackos!

If anyone ever had any doubts our mission is to gather like-minded, Constitution-loving, Conservative Patriots together to pray and take normal political action, through normal means (meaning not mounting any sort of military or paramilitary activity.) We are saddened that the feeling of powerlessness of many of our Citizens is leading them to take extraordinary steps to try to stop our out of control government. We do not support their means or methods and call upon all activists everywhere to do so peacefully; no eggs, no bricks, fires or rocks, no made up racial slurs or white supremisist actions OR ACCUSATIONS.

The Whackos are coming out of the woodwork!

Christian militia accused of plotting to kill cops
 Email this Story

Mar 29, 5:48 PM (ET)


(AP) A view of two FBI cars, front center, blocking Church Street in Hillsdale County, Mich., during a...
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DETROIT (AP) - Nine alleged members of a Christian militia group that was girding for battle with the Antichrist were charged Monday with plotting to kill a police officer and slaughter scores more by bombing the funeral - all in hopes of touching off an uprising against the U.S. government.

Seven men and one woman believed to be part of the Michigan-based Hutaree were arrested over the weekend in raids in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio, and another was still being sought. Authorities blocked off a rural area Monday evening about 30 miles from the site of Saturday's raid near Adrian but wouldn't say who they were searching for or whether the search was related to the weekend raids.

FBI agents moved quickly against the group because its members were planning an attack sometime in April, prosecutors said. Authorities seized guns in the raids but would not say whether they found any explosives.

The arrests have dealt "a severe blow to a dangerous organization that today stands accused of conspiring to levy war against the United States," Attorney General Eric Holder said.

(AP) A tattered American flag is taped to the antenna of a van at the home of Thomas William Piatek...
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Authorities said the arrests underscored the dangers of homegrown right-wing extremism of the sort seen in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168 people.

In an indictment unsealed Monday, prosecutors said the group began military-style training in the Michigan woods in 2008, learning how to shoot guns and make and set off bombs.

David Brian Stone, 44, of Clayton, Mich., and one of his sons were identified as the ringleaders of the group. Stone, who was known as "Captain Hutaree," organized the group in paramilitary fashion and members were assigned secret names, prosecutors said. Ranks ranged from "radoks" to "gunners," according to the group's Web site.

Stone's ex-wife, Donna Stone, told The Associated Press that Stone pulled her son into the movement. Another of Stone's sons also was charged.

"It started out as a Christian thing," Donna Stone said. "You go to church. You pray. You take care of your family. I think David started to take it a little too far."

(AP) Belongings clutter the driveway outside the home of Thomas W. Piatek, Monday, March 29, 2010, in...
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Prosecutors said Stone had identified certain law enforcement officers near his home as potential targets. He and other members discussed setting off bombs at a police funeral, using a fake 911 call to lure an officer to his death, killing an officer after a traffic stop, or attacking the family of an officer, according to the indictment.

After such attacks, the group allegedly planned to retreat to "rally points" protected by trip-wired explosives for a violent standoff with the law.

"It is believed by the Hutaree that this engagement would then serve as a catalyst for a more widespread uprising against the government," the indictment said.

The charges against the eight include seditious conspiracy - plotting to levy war against the U.S. - possessing a firearm during a crime of violence, teaching the use of explosives, and attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction - homemade bombs. The defendants were jailed, awaiting bail hearings Wednesday.

Hutaree says on its Web site its name means "Christian warrior" and describes the word as part of a secret language that few are privileged to know. The group quotes several Bible passages and declares: "We believe that one day, as prophecy says, there will be an Anti-Christ. ... Jesus wanted us to be ready to defend ourselves using the sword and stay alive using equipment."

(AP) A law enforcement official walks out of an armored vehicle tank in a staging area in Hillsdale...
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The nature of the organization's alleged grudge against law enforcement and the government was unclear. The Web site does not list any specific grievances.

The site features a picture of 17 men in camouflage, all holding large guns, and includes videos of armed men running through the woods. Each wears a shoulder patch that bears a cross and two red spears.

David Cid, executive director of the Oklahoma City-based Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism, said there has been a resurgence in the past year or two of "domestic militancy" similar to what was seen before the Oklahoma City bombing.

"It's issues like eminent domain and immigration, and apparently national health care in some quarters," said Cid, a former FBI counterterrorism agent. "It's increasing these people's ire and their discomfort with their own government."

The wife of one of the defendants described Hutaree as a small group of patriotic, Christian buddies who were just doing survival training.

"It consisted of a dad and two of his sons and I think just a couple other close friends of theirs," said Kelly Sickles, who husband, Kristopher, was among those charged. "It was supposed to be a Christian group. Christ-like, right, so why would you think that's something wrong with that, right?"

Sickles said she came home Saturday night to find her house in Sandusky, Ohio, in disarray. Agents seized the guns her husband collected as a hobby and searched for bomb-making materials, she said, but added: "He doesn't even know how to make a bomb. We had no bomb material here."

She said she couldn't believe her 27-year-old husband could be involved in anything violent.

"It was just survival skills," she said. "That's what they were learning. And it's just patriotism. It's in our Constitution."

One of the defendants expressed anti-tax views during his Monday court hearing.

Thomas W. Piatek, a truck driver from Whiting, Ind., told a federal judge he could not afford an attorney because he was "getting raped on property taxes."

The mother of another defendant, 33-year-old Jacob Ward, told police in Huron, Ohio, last summer that family members took away his two guns - an AK-47 rifle and a semiautomatic pistol - because she thought he needed mental health treatment.

Ward told police that he needed to protect himself from members of a crime family that was keeping him from his girlfried, according to Huron police records obtained by the AP. He also said he was going to meet with the CIA.

Seven of the defendants in court in Michigan asked to be represented by public defenders. The eighth had a public defender appointed in Indiana.


Devlin Barrett reported from Washington. Associated Press Writers Meghan Barr in Sandusky, Ohio; David Aguilar and Jeff Karoub in Detroit; and Mike Householder in Adrian, Mich.; and Don Babwin in Chicago contributed to this report.

Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All right reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


Support Attorney General Suthers | Americans for Prosperity


You want to support Colorado Attorneys General as he has brought suit
against the Federal Government on the Constituionality of the Health Care
law, ie the 9th and 10th Amendments. He is under tremendous attack right

Peter Robberson

Monday, March 29, 2010

Left, White House uses Intimidation, Bullying to Silence Opposition

The left and the media are screaming bloody murder to shift the conversation away from their highly unpopular medical/spending/abortion/Student Loan bill to imagined and exaggerated Grassroots Tea Party patriot misdeeds. Nevermind that with each accusation comes a subdued retraction or correction three days later buried on page 6F. One indictment actually was issued for a Left-winger who posted threats on his youtube to kill a Republican Congressman but because that didn't fit the template it was quickly pushed off the newsreel.

Remember that this administration does not have to come after everyone. They just need to make the patriots think that they may. The little old ladies, the moms, the peace-loving regular people who just want to be left alone and get back to their ordinary lives don't need much call it quits. They never wanted any trouble to begin with! They won't need much intimidation to back down.

We MUST NOT let them intimidate us! Don't let the media and their threats and pressure fill you with timidity!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

FW: Tea Party Stuns GOP in Pueblo County

Tea Party flexes muscle in county

A Republican state Senate candidate is forced into an August primary.


The Southern Colorado Tea Party showed its strength at the Pueblo County Republican Assembly by giving strong support Saturday to a 26-year-old college student who will face City Councilwoman Vera Ortegon in an August primary election.

   Ortegon and Alex Lucero Mugatu are contending for the GOP nomination to run for the state Senate District 3 seat being vacated by retiring state Sen. Abel Tapia, D-Pueblo. Democrat Angela Giron is running for the seat as well.

   At the GOP assembly at East High School, Ortegon got 88 votes in the delegate balloting. However, Mugatu was right behind with a startling 86 votes — support clearly fueled by tea-party activists elected as delegates to the county GOP assembly during the March 16 precinct caucuses.

   Mugatu, a Pueblo native and student at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs, has been a regular at tea party rallies and has worked for their support, pledging to repeal newly approved state taxes and oppose others.

   "I'm ready to take it to the next level," he said Saturday, clearly pleased at having made the Aug. 10 primary ballot. "I knew I'd done well in the precinct caucuses. But I understand (Ortegon) will have the support of the Republican machine."

   Ortegon appeared headed for easy nomination by county GOP delegates after four years serving on City Council and having led the successful campaign to defeat Pueblo's "strong-mayor" ballot measure last November. But she appeared to run up against the preference of tea party activists for newcomer candidates who have courted their support.

   "I have a record to run on, but that almost seems to be working against me," an emotional Ortegon said after the balloting. "So now I focus on winning the primary."

   It seemed  to  help  Mugatu's   cause   Saturday   that there was a rush to close off nominations in the District 3 race right after Ortegon was nominated. The tea party members in the crowd bristled at that and by a voice vote,  delegates reopened the nominations to include Mugatu.

   "Alex Mugatu has been participating at the grass-roots level and he's heard our voice," Jerry Denney, a tea party activist told the assembly in nominating the young man, and getting an ovation from supporters.

   Troy Sammons, of Pueblo West, then endorsed Mugatu as well, saying he hadn't planned to, but the sudden call to close off nominations smacked of the politics-as-usual that activists rallied against.

   "But you wouldn't allow that," Sammons said, getting a cheer from many in the crowd.

    The Ortegon-Mugatu drama was compounded by a surprise floor nomination by delegate Sean McCarthy, who called on former City Councilwoman Barbara Vidmar to be a third candidate in the state Senate contest. McCarthy argued that Vidmar is also well-known like Ortegon, but more electable, he claimed. He said some of Ortegon's accomplishments on council, such as obtaining $7.5 million in advance tax payments from Black Hills Energy, could backfire when the utility builds its new power plant and local ratepayers see steep increases.

   Vidmar went to the microphone and declined the nomination, but she didn't endorse either Ortegon, her former council colleague, or Mugatu, the newcomer.

   The tea party sentiment made itself known early in Saturday's assembly. Josh Penry, state Senate minority leader, came to speak on behalf of gubernatorial candidate Scott McInnis, and got a polite reception. Penry declared McInnis the most electable Republican and was given respectful applause.

   But Randy Scott, a local supporter of Evergreen businessman Dan Maes, got a more rousing reception while he championed Maes as a conservative first and Republican second. Scott's endorsement of Maes was interrupted by delegate applause several times. In fact, Maes edged McInnis in the Pueblo County GOP precinct caucuses on March 16, largely on the strength of his endorsement by the Southern Colorado Tea Party and like-minded groups.

   Similarly, former Lt. Gov. Jane Norton was given a polite, but low-key reception when she spoke of her U.S. Senate bid. Yet when Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck took the stage, he was given a louder and more enthusiastic greeting. Buck, who defeated Norton in the Pueblo County caucus straw poll, has received several tea party endorsements.

   It happened again when Sheldon Bloedorn, chairman of the Southern Colorado Tea Party, endorsed retired Army lawyer Bob McConnell for the 3rd Congressional District. McConnell has the group's endorsement and Bloedorn received several ovations as he recounted McConnell's combat experience in Vietnam and pledge never to raise taxes.

   That left state Rep. Scott Tipton, the other Republican in the 3rd District chase, to woo the audience by blasting incumbent U.S. Rep. John Salazar, D-Colo., as a near-100 percent follower of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  Tipton, who lost to Salazar in 2006, promised to work towards cutting federal spending, capital gains taxes and shrinking the federal government if elected.

   Tipton has received endorsements from Western Slope conservative groups, but McConnell clearly has support among the Pueblo County tea party activists. Whether McConnell is popular enough to force Tipton into a primary election will be determined at the 3rd District Convention in May.

   Perhaps the biggest ovation Saturday was given to Colorado Attorney General John Suthers, who is up for re-election this year. Suthers got a standing ovation for having joined with 12 other Republican attorneys general in filing a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the new health care overhaul legislation signed by President Barack Obama last week.

   After such thunderous approval, Suthers said he couldn't predict the outcome of the lawsuit, but said he joined it in order to protect "states’ rights and your constitutional rights" — words that put the delegates on their feet.

 Also during the assembly:

·         Pueblo West Director Jerry Martin was endorsed to be the GOP candidate against Pueblo County Commissioner Jeff Chostner.

·         Martin accused Chostner and the other Democratic commissioners of spending the county into a financial hole, forcing county employees to take mandatory furloughs.

 "They chose to outspend the county's revenues and now other people are paying the price," Martin said.

·         Randy Wills was nominated as Republican candidate for sheriff.

·         Steve Rodriguez is the GOP nominee in state House District 46 and retired businessman Keith Swerdfeger is the Republican candidate in House District 47.

·         Robert Leverington was nominated to be the new county surveyor, but no Republican candidates were offered to run for clerk and recorder, assessor, or treasurer.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Siginficance of 33 Minutes

The Significance of 33 Minutes

A ballistic missile from a foreign enemy would take 33 minutes to reach the United States. With each passing day, this becomes a growing danger to America, yet our government has failed to build the missile defense systems capable of defending us against such attacks. Our enemies are attempting to stockpile arsenals that threaten our freedom and prosperity. North Korea and Iran are the most prominent, but this also includes Russia, China, and other nations that have missiles capable of killing Americans in very large numbers and threatening our allies. The time has come to revive the strategic missile defense system that America uniquely can develop, maintain, and employ for its own defense and the peace-loving world’s security. The 33 Minutes documentary aims to do just that by highlighting the disastrous consequences of a nuclear explosion on American soil – one that could happen in just 33 minutes.

Join us and learn why 33 Minutes is important to you.

Come and hear firsthand from national defense experts.

Ask questions. Learn. Take action.

Your security is at stake.

Film & National Defense Discussion Panel

Date: Thursday April 1, 2010

Time: 6:30pm ~ Doors open 5:30pm. Tickets are here:!/pages/33-Minutes-Documentary-and-Missile-Defense-Discussion-Panel/367379149451 or email at

Location: Stargazer’s Theatre & Event Center

Check out >>> Your Source for All Liberty Events in Colorado

Personhood Is Certified To Be On Ballot In Colorado


Personhood USA

DENVER / March 26 – The Colorado Personhood Amendment’s signatures have been certified, and the Personhood Amendment will be on the Colorado ballot in November.

Personhood Colorado has sponsored a ballot initiative to amend the State Constitution recognizing the Personhood rights of all humans, from their biological beginning to their natural death. The Amendment states: Section 32. Person defined. As used in sections 3, 6, and 25 of Article II of the state constitution, the term "person" shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”

On March 4, the Colorado Secretary of State disclosed that 15,690 of the 79,648 signatures submitted by Personhood Colorado were invalid. As allowed by Colorado law, volunteers then had 15 days to replace the invalid signatures with new, valid voter signatures. In response, Personhood Colorado volunteers collected 47,114 signatures, three times as many signatures as were required. 

Friday, March 26 the Colorado Secretary of State verified that the Personhood Amendment had submitted enough signatures to be on the November 26 ballot, citing that in the first submission, 60,357 of the 79,648 submitted signatures were valid, and that in the 15 day curing period, 35,527 of the 47,114 submitted signatures were found valid. Therefore, of the 126,762 submitted signatures, 95,884 were found to be valid voter signatures, surpassing the required number of 76,047 by nearly 20,000.

“We are very thankful for our volunteers who worked tirelessly to ensure that the Personhood Amendment is on the 2010 ballot,” stated Gualberto Garcia-Jones, co-sponsor of the Personhood Amendment. “We are counting on all of our supporters and many volunteers to vote Yes on the Personhood Amendment, Amendment 62, in November.”

For Interviews Call 303-456-2800

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rhode Island Assembly Considers Removing Tax Exempt Status for Non-Profits

While Rhode Island considers removing the Tax Exempt status of Non-Profit Groups in Providence as an emergency measure to generate revenue I am not sure that is an entirely bad thing!

I will also bet that churches who otherwise refuse to engage in anything that might be construed as controversial or political, even while their members are led to political action by the mandates and values taught in Scriptures, would suddenly become political; they'd show up at the Capitol advocating for...their monies sake? I'm just sayin.'

How great would that be if the Church was suddenly unshackled from the fear and intimidation of the sacred IRS Tax Exemption? Would the Church find themselves out of excuses to stand for life and for marriage; against abusive, poverty creating government policies to stand for God-given, unalienable rights? Would the church return to the place in our culture it had before 1964 when the Senate voted to create the incentive to stay out of the public square? I'm just askin'....

From Washington DC

I am in The American Majority Orientation and training in Washington, DC. I am looking foreward to bringing back the information to you in our groups.

Remember no groups this week.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wake Up Churches...

All Politics Is Local

In the wake of Sunday's vote, many Americans are understandably angry, frustrated, and looking for ways to fix what the House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) described as a broken Congress. The long-term solution may be closer to home than you think. Too often we overlook the importance of local elections for city council, school boards, and even the state legislature. This is where the political careers--and even the ideologies--of future Congressmen are shaped. Last night, my home church outside of Baton Rouge hosted a candidate forum for local elections. All of the prospective leaders appeared and spoke--not only to the policy issues facing our community, but also to the important role that our Christian faith plays in shaping the future of that community. My pastor, Dr. Dennis Terry, opened the event by saying if we wanted to change the direction ! of Washington D.C., we have to start at home. The same is true of towns across America. "It's time for churches to once again be active in shaping our communities. I encourage other pastors to seize this moment when many Americans are looking for direction," he said. Now, this is nothing new. For most of our nation's history, the local church was at the heart of civic life. If we want to fix what is broken, I can't think of a better place to start.

Thoughts on Sunday's vote: Where do we go from here?

Like most of you, it’s hard to put into words how I felt after the vote on Sunday. Not shocked, but amazed, incredulous and incredibly disappointed. I was tempted to feel defeated, resigned, and give up the fight. But I won’t. We can’t.

Many have said this is just the beginning. Nancy Pelosi has promised single payer healthcare. The Progressive Democrats see this as just a first step. We must keep resisting.

But beyond healthcare, this is and always has been about freedom, about standing up for what’s right, about defending the unborn, and trying to ensure that our kids inherit a free America. That did not change on Sunday night. One reason we’re where we are today is because for far too long Christians have fled the public square for the comfort of their sanctuaries. We left the public schools and the public square largely vacant, barely registering a complaint as slowly the foundations of our great nation were eroded and God was relegated first to irrelevancy, then to history, then to infamy.

I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but I urge you DO NOT GIVE UP! The war is not over. God is stirring his people to repentance, to prayer, and to action. At the end of the day it’s all about Him and whether or not we sought Him, listened to Him, and trusted Him.

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it.

1Thes 5:23,24

Adrienne Robberson

FW: Your pledge to repeal ObamaCare

From: Sen. Jim DeMint [] On Behalf Of Sen. Jim DeMint
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 10:46 AM
Subject: Your pledge to repeal ObamaCare


To view a webpage version of this email, click here.



Senate Conservatives Fund

Dear Friend:

I want to personally thank you for signing the "Repeal ObamaCare Pledge" at and give you a quick update.

First, the bad news.

At 11:56 a.m. this morning, President Obama signed the health care legislation into law, turning one-sixth of our economy over to the federal government.

Congressional Democrats cheered as they watched the President sign this full-blown attack on our freedoms.

It was a painful sight to see.

Now, the good news.

Minutes after the health care takeover was signed into law, I introduced a one-page bill to repeal it.

While this Congress won't pass the "repeal it" legislation, it defines our shared goal and will help us distinguish between those politicians who get it and those who don't.

Once we replace the Democrats who voted for ObamaCare, we will repeal the bill and start over with commonsense, free-market solutions.

I'm also proud to report that over 50,000 Americans have signed the "Repeal ObamaCare Pledge" since late Sunday night. This is a remarkable achievement in such a short time.

But it's just the beginning. We plan to reach 100,000 pledges by the end of the day and keep building from there.

Please help us reach our goal by telling your friends and family to sign the pledge at We need to get more people to do exactly what you've done and pledge to only support candidates who vow to repeal ObamaCare.

Once we reach a critical mass, we will begin working together to defeat the ObamaCare Democrats one at a time.

Thank you again for being willing to do your part to defend our liberty. Together, we will take our country back.

Jim DeMint Signature

Jim DeMint
United States Senator
Chairman, Senate Conservatives Fund

P.S. If you would like help elect strong conservatives to the Senate this year who will fight to repeal ObamaCare, please support the Senate Conservatives Fund.



The Senate Conservatives Fund is a political action committee dedicated to electing true conservatives to the United States Senate.




Contributions to Senate Conservatives Fund are not deductible as charitable contributions. Not paid for at taxpayer expense. Contributions from corporations or foreign nationals lacking permanent resident status are not permitted. Federal law requires Senate Conservatives Fund to report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year.




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Senate Conservatives Fund | P.O. Box 388 | Alexandria | VA | 22313

Monday, March 22, 2010

To DC on Wednesday for American Majority!

Guys, Remember I am off to Washington DC on Wednesday for Training and Orientation in the American Mechanics Program. Here is a clip of Ned Ryun, the Founder of AM.">

Greatest Expansion of Abortion Since Roe vs Wade

Guys, Please see this commentary from Focus On the Family Action regarding yesterday's Federal Takeover of America's health system.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Conducted the Post Caucus Meeting Today

I did the Post Caucus Meeting this afternoon. Adrienne really helped me because I was so sick and was in a fog. We elected Delegates and Alternates to the higher levels and filled in the lower level openings behind them. It looks like we'll have a pretty good Freedom coalition at County. Met David Williams and his wife Emily. They are great! I am trying to help them as much as I can.

Obama Executive Order is a Sham, Trick to the Unaware!

Statement by the National Right to Life Committee
on abortion "deal" on health care legislation

WASHINGTON -- (Sunday, March 21, 2010, 6 PM EDT) -- In response to today's announcement regarding an agreement between Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mi.) and President Obama on the pending health care bill (H.R. 3590), the following statement was issued by the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the federation of right-to-life organizations in the 50 states:

The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) remains strongly opposed to the Senate-passed health bill (H.R. 3590). A lawmaker who votes for this bill is voting to require federal agencies to subsidize and administer health plans that will pay for elective abortion, and voting to undermine longstanding pro-life policies in other ways as well. Pro-life citizens nationwide know that this is a pro-abortion bill. Pro-life citizens know, and they will be reminded again and again, which lawmakers deserve their gratitude for voting against this pro-abortion legislation.

The executive order promised by President Obama was issued for political effect. It changes nothing. It does not correct any of the serious pro-abortion provisions in the bill. The president cannot amend a bill by issuing an order, and the federal courts will enforce what the law says.

To elaborate: The order does not truly correct any of the seven objectionable pro-abortion provisions described in NRLC's March 19 letter to the House of Representatives, which is posted here:

Regarding Community Health Centers (CHCs), NRLC has documented the problem created by H.R. 3590 here:
Prof. Robert Destro, a professor of law and former dean of the Columbus School of Law at the Catholic University of America, and an expert on abortion-related litigation, has sent lawmakers a letter explaining why the bill opens the door to direct federal funding of abortion in Community Health Centers:

Prof. Destro clearly explains why it is the statutory language that will govern.

Regarding the new program to provide tax credits to purchase private insurance, the executive order merely tinkers with the formalities of a bookkeeping scheme under which federal subsidies will pay for plans that cover elective abortion -- a break from the longstanding principles of the Hyde Amendment.

The order does nothing at all to mitigate the other abortion-related problems described in the NRLC letter, dealing with bill provisions that create dangerous regulatory mandate authorities, revise Indian health programs, and create pools of directly appropriated funds that are not covered by existing restrictions on funding of abortion. Nor can the order correct the omission from the pending legislation of the necessary conscience-protection language that had been included in House-passed health care legislation last November (the "Weldon language").

For additional information regarding the abortion-related components of the legislation, and NRLC's assessment of the gravity of these issues, please refer to the March 19 letter linked above, and other materials posted on the NRLC website at

This Kinda' Sums It Up!

Enjoy this summary.

The American Café, Don’t’ buy the Executive Order Ploy. It is a bald-face lie and trick to get the Stupak Democrats to cave in. Phone, fax, email and pray. Vote is today at Noon Washington time. Pete and Adrienne.

From: Marjorie Dannenfelser []
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2010 11:25 AM
To: Peter Robberson
Subject: ACTION: Executive Order is Unacceptable

Dear Peter,

Nancy Pelosi and her allies are currently negotiating with key pro-life Democrats to try and secure their vote for their pro-abortion health care plan.

What's on the negotiating table?

A proposed executive order from President Obama that would allegedly bar abortion funding in the health care bill.

An executive order is an ineffective maneuver and completely unacceptable.

Here's why:

1. An executive order can be rescinded any time. President Obama could reverse it next week, next month, or next year. Should another pro-abortion president be elected in the future, it could be rescinded on inauguration day.

2. An executive order will not prevent insurance companies that provide abortion from participating in the exchanges.

3. Abortion funding in the health care legislation can be only be removed using the legislative process. An executive order not only doesn't fix the problem, it isn't needed to fix the problem, and could not stand a legal challenge. If Democrats are serious about protecting taxpayers from funding abortion in the health care bill, they must use the legislative process to fix the problem.


Call the following members of Congress immediately and tell them that an executive order by the president on abortion is unacceptable and urge them to vote NO on the pro-abortion health care bill.

Marion Berry (AR) 202-225-4076
Kathy Dahlkemper (PA) 202 225-3103
Daniel Lipinski (IL) 202-225-5701
Earl Pomeroy (ND) 202-225-2611
Nick Rahall (WV) 202-225-3452
Bart Stupak (MI) 202-225-4744
Steve Driehaus (OH) 202-225-2216
Joe Donnelly (IN) 202-225-3915
Jerry Costello (IL) 202-225-5661
Marcy Kaptur (OH) 202-225-4146
Paul Kanjorski (PA) 202-225-6511
Alan Mollohan (WV) 202-225-4172

Please call now, only a few short hours remain to make your voice heard!

For Life,

Marjorie Dannenfelser

President, Susan B. Anthony List

1800 North Kent Street, Suite 1070, Arlington, VA 22209 (703) 875-3370
Copyright ©2010 Susan B. Anthony List privacy policy

Contributions or gifts to Susan B. Anthony List, Inc., a 501(c)(4) organization, are not tax-deductible.
The first $1.00 of your annual gift keeps your membership status active for an additional year.