
Thursday, March 11, 2010

FW: Slaughter House Rules -Family Research Council

Family Research Council

Share with Friends March 11, 2010 Permalink

Slaughter House Rules

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is making her list and checking it twice. Yet even after the President's 52nd speech on the subject, House Democrats can't seem to twist enough arms to hit the magic number (216) for passing the Senate health care bill. After playing every card up their sleeve, the leadership says that desperate times call for desperate measures--like passing the bill without voting on it. Come again? As we picked up earlier this week on Capitol Hill, Congress Daily is reporting the House brain trust is mulling over a crazy scheme by Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) to rewrite the chamber's rules so that no vote would be necessary to advance the Senate bill.

Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) talked about this latest twist on his blog. "The Slaughter Solution is a plan by... Democratic Chair of the powerful House Rules Committee... to get the health care legislation through the House without an actual vote on the Senate-passed health care bill... Under Slaughter's scheme, Democratic leaders will overcome the [lack of votes] by simply 'deeming' the Senate bill passed in the House--without an actual vote by members..."

The obvious question is: how could this be constitutional? The answer? It isn't! This afternoon, the Senate Parliamentarian ruled that the President must sign the monstrous Senate-passed health care overhaul bill--which includes over a dozen bribes to Democratic Senators and a massive expansion of government-funded abortion--before the Senate can act on a companion reconciliation package. Clearly, the liberal leadership is planning to launch even more attacks on the Constitution--all but guaranteeing that the biggest "slaughter" will be in the voting booth this November.

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