
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The American Cafe-Obama declares WAR

American Café,



Please read this From: Gary L. Bauer

Obama Goes Nuclear

In a highly anticipated White House address today, President Barack Obama declared the debate over healthcare “reform” over, saying, “Every argument has been made. Everything there is to say about health care has been said.” He then instructed congressional leaders to schedule a vote “in the next few weeks.” While not uttering the word “reconciliation,” Obama ordered his Capitol Hill allies to use the so-called “nuclear option,” or budget reconciliation rules, to pass their socialized medicine scheme.

This parliamentary maneuver allows the majority party to avoid a filibuster and pass ObamaCare with a bare majority of votes, rather than the 60-vote majority that has been the tradition in the Senate. Both parties have been frustrated by the filibuster in the past. But it has been accepted in order to guarantee that there was genuine bipartisan support for such sweeping measures like the government takeover of nearly 20% of our economy.

Today, many liberals insist that reconciliation is just a normal part of the process. It is not. You can listen to their own words here. Even Barack Obama understood that major reforms should require overwhelming support.

But in their devotion to Big Government socialism, the Left is willing to take America to the brink of a “constitutional crisis,” as Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said in 2005. Schumer continued, “The checks and balances which have been at the core of this republic are about to be evaporated by the nuclear option.” Only today, it’s Obama and his allies who are doing it.

Conservatives are fighting back as best as they can. But, unfortunately, their efforts will largely be ignored by the liberal media, which is giving Obama a free ride on his deceptive statements. For example, both ABC and CNBC parroted White House talking points on how Obama was “reaching out” to conservatives by including some of their ideas.

Here’s the truth: ObamaCare is thousands of pages of liberalism with a few small conservative proposals. The tort reform Obama has “embraced” is a $50 million pilot program. But why should conservatives embrace a trillion-dollar entitlement program for a pilot project that the administration will likely kill in its first year? Everyone knows why serious tort reform is going nowhere – trial lawyers are a leading source of campaign cash for liberal candidates, who raked in more than $178 million in the last election from lawyers and law firms.



If you have not already done so before now would be a good time to barrage your Senators and House Members, nagging them, hammering them, becoming a burr under their saddle. Now is a good time to put it in your daily reminder to make a call a day until all is lost. This is the time to use the massive negatives Obama is getting in the polling and drive the stake through the heart of this thing once and for all. He doesn’t even PRETEND to say where the money will come from to pay for it.



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