
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What a great night!

We just got back from the Constitution Made Easy Field Trip. What a fabulous night. Author and host Michael Holler had a packed house, maybe 80 guests. They served us a light snacks and drinks and had a cash bar for those who wanted it. (We are tee-totalers.)


9 came from our Saturday morning group. We drove a 15 passenger van so we could all ride together.


Michael Holler went through an education on the Constitution a fraction of America has heard. He took many questions about the text and about the history surrounding its writing. Finally he made a call to action! Learn the simple, powerful authority of the blueprint for our country, and tell others…all in a last stand against tyranny at home.


The event was captured on a two video education set which will become available in a couple weeks.


See you Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday!

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