
Monday, March 29, 2010

Left, White House uses Intimidation, Bullying to Silence Opposition

The left and the media are screaming bloody murder to shift the conversation away from their highly unpopular medical/spending/abortion/Student Loan bill to imagined and exaggerated Grassroots Tea Party patriot misdeeds. Nevermind that with each accusation comes a subdued retraction or correction three days later buried on page 6F. One indictment actually was issued for a Left-winger who posted threats on his youtube to kill a Republican Congressman but because that didn't fit the template it was quickly pushed off the newsreel.

Remember that this administration does not have to come after everyone. They just need to make the patriots think that they may. The little old ladies, the moms, the peace-loving regular people who just want to be left alone and get back to their ordinary lives don't need much call it quits. They never wanted any trouble to begin with! They won't need much intimidation to back down.

We MUST NOT let them intimidate us! Don't let the media and their threats and pressure fill you with timidity!

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