
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Census Idea FW: 2010 Census - Question #9

A great point by Michelle Malkin (you have probably seen her on FoxNews) and also an excellent suggestion for Question #9!!!! I'm definitely going to follow her suggestion.

By Michelle Malkin  .  March 9, 2010 10:47 AM


Mark Krikorian is fighting back against Census form race politics and urging you to do the same:

Fully one-quarter of the space on this year's form is taken up with questions of race and ethnicity, which are clearly illegitimate and none of the government's business (despite the New York Times' assurances to the contrary on today's editorial page). So until we succeed in building the needed wall of separation between race and state, I have a proposal. Question 9 on the census form asks "What is Person 1's race?" (and so on, for other members of the household). My initial impulse was simply to misidentify my race so as to throw a monkey wrench into the statistics; I had fun doing this on the personal-information form my college required every semester, where I was a Puerto Rican Muslim one semester, and a Samoan Buddhist the next. But lying in this constitutionally mandated process is wrong. Really - don't do it.

Instead, we should answer Question 9 by checking the last option - "Some other race" - and writing in "American." It's a truthful answer but at the same time is a way for ordinary citizens to express their rejection of unconstitutional racial classification schemes. In fact, "American" was the plurality ancestry selection for respondents to the 2000 census in four states and several hundred counties.

So remember: Question 9 - "Some other race" - "American". Pass it on.







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